Donald Trump Condemns Black Lives Matter As A 'Symbol Of Hate,' Faces Severe Backlash For Misplaced Priorities
Scores of advisors in Trump's ministry are concerned about the president’s misplaced priorities in the face of a global health crisis.
Racist Woman Runs Over Teen Because She Is Latina, Charged For Hate Crime
The young teen has suffered injuries all over her body- a concussion and severe bruising for which she was hospitalized for two days.
Gina Rodriguez Gets Brutally Slammed For Dropping N-Word On IG Live
Gina Rodriguez drew the wrath of netizens after she dropped a racial slur during an Instagram live. The actress has a repeated history of dropping comments that are laced in racism.
Hillary Clinton Wants To Hug Meghan Markle For Enduring Racist And Sexist Treatment
From comments like "gold digger", "biracial commoner" to the "whitest black girl", the Duchess of Sussex has put up with a lot for the sake of love.
Is 'The Bachelor' Racist? Next Bachelorette Won't Be Black Again, Rachel Lindsay Says
Former Bachelorette Rachel Lindsay was clearly dismayed over Mike Johnson not being cast as the lead of "The Bachelor" Season 24.
This Camera Company Launched A Very Racist Commercial Targeting Undocumented Mexicans [VIDEO]
A camera company is promoting their newest product with a racist commercial targeting undocumented Mexicans.
Fox Sports Anchor Emily Austen Fired For Making Racist Comments Against Mexicans, More In Video
Fox Sports anchor Emily Austen was fired from the network after making racist comments against Mexicans during a live segment of "Barstool Sports." Watch here!
Tila Tequila Racist Rant: Reality Star Issues 'Apology' After Nasty Remarks About Immigrants
Tila Tequila "apologizes" in a video after posting nasty remarks about immigrants on social media. You won't believe what she said!
Tila Tequila Racist Rant: 5 Reactions Of Outraged People Defending Mexican Immigrants
People on the Internet are outraged with Tila Tequila's racist rant on social media. Here are some of the best comments defending undocumented Mexican immigrants.
Tila Tequila Racist Rant: Reality Star Shows True Colors With Degrading Post About Immigrants
Tila Tequila continues ranting on social media and has crossed the line with a recent post about immigrants. This is how the Internet reacts.
Donald Trump Implies Judge Can't Do His Job Because He's Mexican, Denies Remarks Are Racist
Donald Trump implied U.S. District Judge Gonzálo Curiel couldn't do his job because he is Mexican, denied his remarks about the Judge's heritage were racist.
Tila Tequila Racist Jennifer Lopez Tweets: Reality Star Throws Shade At JLo And It Backfires
Reality star Tila Tequila's Twitter account got suspended after she came after Jennifer Lopez. Read the tweet here!
Latina Track Star Refuses To Represent School Until Campus Racist Slanders Are Addressed
Sanjuanita "Sam" Martinez has decided to stand up for her community and remove herself from future races until the situation has been fixed.
Grupo Televisa Announces Miss Mexico Is Officially Out Of Miss Universe Pageant After Donald Trump's Racist Rant
Grupo Televisa joins the list of Latinos who will no longer do business with Mr. Donald Trump.
Univision Fires Rodner Figueroa: See Picture That Prompted Racist Comment That Got Host Booted Off Network
Rodner Figueroa was fired from Univision over certain comments deemed "racist" targeting Michelle Obama. Click here to see the picture that started the whole thing!
Rodner Figueroa Fired From Univision: Network Releases Statement After Letting Host Go; Were They Too Harsh? [POLL]
Rodner Figueroa was fired from Univision over racist comments towards Michelle Obama. Do you think Univision did the right thing or did they blow it out of proportion?
Watch MSNBC Apology On 'Way Too Early' For Racist Cinco De Mayo Segment [VIDEO]
Two days after a Cinco de Mayo segment on MSNBC's "Way Too Early" that was deemed racist, the hosts have apologized on-air to anybody that was offended by it.
V. Stiviano, Donald Sterling Controversy: 7 Things To Know About Latina Girlfriend Of Clippers Owner
Meet V. Stiviano, Donald Sterling's girlfriend!
Justine Sacco’s Apology: Former IAC PR Exec Issues Statement Over Racist Tweet That Took Internet By Storm
Justine Sacco was under fire for a racist tweet that sparked controversy all around the world. Now she issued an apology. Read what she has to say here!
New Mexico Teacher On Leave After Telling Student That Santa Is White, Spurring Controversy [VIDEO]
A New Mexico teacher tells student that Santa is white and makes him take off his Santa gear a week after FOX anchor claims Santa is white.
Is Britney Spears Racist? Singer Stereotypes Latinos, Speaks Fake Spanish [VIDEO]
Britney Spears is under fire from the Latino community after she made comments that could be construed as racist in an interview with Univision's "Despierta America."
Capitol Police Officer Confronts Protesters With Racist Remarks: 'Comprende?' [VIDEO]
Capitol Hill police are under fire after a video surfaced online of an officer confronting a group of protesters and addressing them in a derogatory manner with the comment 'Comprende?'
Who Is Sharkeisha? Fight Video Gone Wild Viral Shows Racist Underside Of Internet
The Sharkeisha Fight Video has gone totally viral and spread across social media, however, this kind of video is promoting a racial stereotype of violence and agression among African-American women.
Seth MacFarlane's 'Bordertown' Animated Series On FOX: Most Racist Cartoon By 'Family Guy' Creator? [VIDEO]
FOX has ordered a new animated series from Seth MacFarlane titled "Bordertown" that could end up being the most racist and offensive cartoon ever.
Home Depot Racist Scandal: Company Tweets Offensive Image, Fires Employee And Blames Ad Agency
Home Depot has come under serious social media fire after posting a photo with serious racist undertones on its Twitter page. The hardware superstore posted a picture for College Game Day showing three figures playing Home Depot buckets as drums.
Game Show Network Racist Video Surfaces: Watch Clip Of Blatant Display Of Racism Aired On 'Without Prejudice' Show 6 Years Ago [VIDEO]
Racist in America: One game show contestant wants to eliminate another one just because he's black. Watch the shocking video to know why he thought that way.
Miss America 2014 Nina Davuluri, First Indian-American Winner, Brushes Off Racist Comments On Twitter
It happened again! A U.S. citizen from another descent succeeded at something and the flurry of racist comments sparked on social media, shadowing a moment of joy and achievement. But this time around, Miss America Nina Davaluri rose above the racist remarks like a true queen!
'Big Brother' Aaryn Gries Evicted! Julie Chen Confronts Houseguest For Racist, Homophobic Remarks [VIDEO]
The controversial houseguest was evicted last night and finally confronted over racist remarks made in the house.
Dunkin’ Donuts Blackface: Thailand Branch Under Fire For ‘Racist And Bizarre’ Advertisement Campaign
A new advertisement for Dunkin' Donuts latest addition, the "Charcoal Donut" has caused a lot of controversy after it featured a model in blackface.
AeroMexico, Mexican Airline, Apologizes For Racist 'Nobody Dark Skinned' Casting Call
Aeroméxico caused a furor this week after a casting call from its advertising agency specified that they weren’t looking for actors who weren’t white.