Donald Trump Dodges Immigration Question At Town Hall, Calls Authorized Immigrants ‘Backbone’ Of USA
Trump holds up legal immigrants as the "backbone" of America.
Donald Trump Immigration Plan: 5 Highlights From GOP Candidate’s First Policy Paper
Donald Trump released his first policy paper and -- big surprise -- it's on immigration. The proposal is a nativist wishlist.
Donald Trump Dumped By Macy's After Racist Latino Comments
"We have decided to discontinue our business relationship with Mr. Trump and will phase-out the Trump menswear collection," Macy's said
Miss Universe Pageant 2013 Location Update: Pageant To Stay In Moscow, Russia Despite LGBT Protests Over Anti-Gay Laws
Russia will remain the host of the 2013 Miss Universe pageant despite a petition demanding a venue change.
Sheena Monnin, Former Miss Pennsylvania Who Defamed Miss USA Pageant, Must Pay $5 Million To Donald Trump
The former Miss Pennsylvania was ordered by a judge to pay $5 million to Donald Trump after her defamation against the Miss USA pageant cost the organization a deal for that amount.
Donald Trump 2016?: Real Estate Mogul Reportedly Spent $1 Million On 'Research'
Will Donald Trump decide to run for president in 2016?
Donald Trump Jon Stewart Twitter War: Why Did Stewart Call Trump "F***face von Clownstick"? [ONLINE VIDEO]
Jon Stewart took aim at Donald Trump in a monologue bemoaning Sen. Ted Cruz' recent actions that included some spicy language.
Trump Ad Banned: Anti-Wind Farm Ad Misleading, Says Britain's Advertising Standards Agency
The ads criticize a wind turbine project off the coast from a golf resort belonging to Donald Trump. The billionaire says that the turbines will spoil the view of the North Sea.
Dennis Rodman Fired From 'Celebrity Apprentice': What Did He Do To Melania Trump?
Dennis Rodman has had success on and off the basketball court. Why did his run on "Celebrity Apprentice" come to an end?
Omarosa Fired For Third Time: Why Did Trump Fire 'Celebrity Apprentice' Villain?
Omarosa was fired on Sunday's episode of "Celebrity Apprentice." Many feel her firing was a long time coming.
CPAC 2013: Marco Rubio, Trump, Santorum Make Waves At Annual Conservative Conference
CPAC 2013 is off to an exciting start this year.
'Dump Trump' Petitions Urge Macy's to Change Stance, Macy's Dismisses It in a Statement
Nearly 560,000 people have petitioned to Macy's CEO Terry J. Lundgren to 'dump Donald Trump."
Donald Trump Obama Announcement: Trump Asks the President to Release College, Passport Records and Applications
Today, Donald Trump attempted to change the race to the White House for President Obama. In a newly released video, Trump declared that Obama is the "least transparent president in the history of this country."