
Immigration Reform 2013: American Action Network Poll Finds 69 Percent Of Voters In Steve King’s Congressional District Support Comprehensive Reform

A poll carried out in late June by the conservative American Action Network found that most voters in Iowa’s Fourth Congressional District disagree with their representative, Steve King, on immigration reform. King has been the most strenuous voice of opposition to bipartisan efforts on the issue. This week, the leaders of his own party rebuked him for saying that most young undocumented immigrants were drug mules.

Rep. Steve King To Talk Immigration, Deportations On Univision With Jorge Ramos

The Republican representative from Iowa will make a rare appearance on Univision’s “Al Punto Con Jorge Ramos” this Sunday. Advance transcripts indicate Ramos will confront King on his stance regarding the legal status of the nation’s estimated 11 million undocumented as well as his comments comparing immigrants to dogs.

Immigration Reform 2013: Will Steve King Ever Support Legalization For Undocumented Immigrants? [VIDEO]

In an interview with the Daily Caller on Thursday, Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) said he would likely support a limited “amnesty” for certain undocumented immigrants if the US-Mexico border were appropriately impenetrable, but added that he was “reluctant to say that amnesty is a possibility because I am not very confident about the probability of getting to that point. We haven’t seen a president that can do this in my adult lifetime.”

Immigration Reform 2013: Boehner Says He Will Back Citizenship Bill For DREAMers

"These children were brought here of no accord of their own, and frankly they're in a very difficult position," said House Speaker Boehner (R-Ohio) at a press conference. Details on the bill have not been released, but it could set up a showdown between House Republicans and advocates of a path to citizenship for a much larger group of undocumented immigrants.
