
Immigration Reform 2013: Could John McCain Support Legal Status Without Citizenship For Undocumented?

The offer of a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants – whether it’s just the young ones or adults too – has been looking more and more like the final line which House Republicans won’t cross in immigration reform legislation. On Tuesday, Senator John McCain (R-Ariz.) signaled that he might get on board with a bill that offered legal status without citizenship, while adding that he remained hopeful that House Republicans wouldn’t “absolutely reject” a path to citizenship.

American Action Network Releases Immigration Reform Web Tool Estimating Job Growth By District To Convince House GOP

The American Action Network, the lobbying arm of the center-right think tank American Action Forum, has developed a new interactive web tool which gives district-by-district estimates of how many jobs would be created by the Senate’s comprehensive immigration reform bill. It’s being sent out by the AAN to House Republicans in an effort to convince them of the benefits of the Senate’s plan.

Steve King To Talk Immigration Reform In Several States On 'Stop Amnesty Tour'

In a speech on Monday in Virginia, the Iowa congressman argued that Latin American immigrants would bring violence into the United States. "If you bring people from a violent civilization into a less-violent civilization, you’re going to have more violence right?" he said. "It’s like pouring hot water into cold water, does it raise the temperature or not?"
