Plane Stolen In Mexico Crashes In Guatemala; Cocaine Found Next To Dead Men Onboard
A business plane that was stolen in Mexico crashed in Guatemala on Wednesday following a mysterious trip to Venezuela.
Police Find Tunnel With Ton Of Cocaine, 7 Tons Of Marijuana Being Smuggled From Mexico To US
Authorities have detected close to seventy-five tunnels in the area in the past couple of years, sources say.
Brazilian Man Who Bit Passenger On Air Lingus Flight Died After Swallowing $63K Of Cocaine
A 24-year-old Brazilian man who became extremely violent and bit another passenger and then died during an Aer Lingus flight had swallowed $63K worth of suspected cocaine.
Snorting Cocaine On Social Media: Girls Responsible For Viral Videos Explain Why They Did It
Ber, the girl whose cocaine video went viral, shares the real story behind the controversial clip.
Snorting Cocaine On Social Media: Upper-Class Mexican Teens Latest Fad
New social media challenge involves teenagers snorting cocaine on camera.
Meet Anett Pikula: Mexican Mule Who Flirted With Border Officers To Smuggle Cocaine Into The U.S.
Nerves betrayed Anett Pikula as she was trying to cross the Arizona border carrying $134,000 worth of cocaine.
San Francisco Giants: Watch The Late Robin Williams Pump Up The Crowd Before Playoff Game [VIDEO]
The shocking death of Robin Williams has lefts fans devastated. Many of those fans stem from San Francisco where Williams called home. Williams was an avid San Francisco Giants fan and even pumped up the crowd before a playoff game in 2010.
Nicolette Van Dan Resigns: UNICEF Ambassador Steps Down After Tweeting Offensive World Cup Meme That Enraged Colombians
Nicolette Van Dam, a UNICEF Ambassador has resigned after tweeting out a meme that depicted two Colombian players snorting the lines of the soccer field.
Puerto Rico-New York Drug Ring Busted By Feds: Cocaine Traffickers Used Bronx Daycare As Cover
A Puerto Rico - New York drug ring has been uncovered in the Bronx, New York using a day care centre as a cover.
Vatican City Cocaine: German Police Seize Coke-Filled Condoms Meant For Holy See
German customs officials have seized a shipment of cocaine that was intended for the Vatican: officers at Liepzig airport found 12 ounces of coke.
'El Chapo' Guzmán Charged In Mexican Court With Drug Trafficking, Organized Crime
The new charges brought on Guzmán appear to indicate that Mexican officials are unlikely to extradite the Sinaloa drug boss to the United States to face charges there.
Who Is Griselda Blanco? 5 Things To Know About Real-Life Woman Behind 'La Viuda Negra' New Telenovela
Griselda Blanco is the real-life drug godmother behind the new telenovela, 'La Viuda Negra' premiering tonight on Univision, UniMas and Galavision.
Pacific Ocean Increasingly New Drug Trafficking Route, By Jet-Ski, Surfboard Or Boat
The Border Patrol says its anti-drug enforcement efforts along the US-Mexico border have pushed traffic into the Pacific Ocean. Seizures there have climbed 73 percent in the last four years.
Demi Lovato Admits She Smuggled Cocaine On Airplanes Says She ‘Couldn’t Go 30 Minutes Without It’ [VIDEO]
Demi Lovato opens up more than ever before about her alcohol and drug use in an interview with Access Hollywood.
Halloween 2013: Latina Drug Trafficker Uses Pumpkins To Transport Cocaine
A passenger at Montreal airport tried to take advantage of the Halloween spirit by taking a plane with pumpkins filled with cocaine.
Are Oreos Addictive Like Cocaine? New Study Proves They Are As Addicting As Drugs
A Connecticut College study has found evidence that shows Oreo cookies are just as addictive as cocaine. Professor Joseph Schroeder and his students found eating the cookies activated more neurons in the brain's "pleasure center" than exposure to cocaine or morphine.
Bolivia Drug Traffickers Throw $1M From Plane In Santa Cruz [VIDEO]
Police in the Bolivian town of Pozo de Tigre, in the border state of Santa Cruz, have arrested three people and seized two vehicles, a rifle and an automatic weapon after bags of money amounting to $1 million were tossed out of an airplane in a remote runway.
Tabitha Leah Ritchie, Canadian Woman, Arrested In Colombia For Smuggling Cocaine In Fake Pregnancy Belly [VIDEO]
A Canadian woman tried to smuggle drugs from Colombia to Canada in a fake pregnancy belly.
Reyli Arrested For Testing Positive On Cocaine And Attacking Police Officers
Reyli Arrested For Testing Positive On Cocaine And Attacking Police Officers
Peru Overtakes Colombia As The Top Producer Of Cocaine And Other Illegal Coca Plant By-Products [REPORT]
New reports suggest Peru is now the leading producer in the illegal drug cocaine.
Missing British Girls Cocaine Arrest: Michaella McCollum Connolly And Melissa Reid Face Up To 25 Years In Peru Jail
Michaella McCollum Connolly and Melissa Reid are being accused of transporting around 6 kg of cocaine each, while attempting to board an Air Europa flight to Palma de Majorca, Spain via Madrid at the Jorge Chavez International airport in Lima, Peru.
Costa Rica Will Stop Flying Cocaine To The United States For Incineration
In late July, nearly 24 tons of seized cocaine were airlifted from Costa Rica to Miami by the US Air Force to be incinerated. Costa Rica says it’s not going to do that anymore.
Soap Actor Cocaine: Former ‘Days Of Our Lives’ Actor Dylan Michael Patton Charged With Selling Drugs [VIDEO]
Former "Days of Our Lives" actor Dylan Michael Patton was arrested for selling cocaine out of his L.A home.
Pizza Man Cocaine Delivery: Papa John's Delivery Man Uses Job As Cover Up For Drug Business
A Papa John's employee and his accomplice were arrested Wednesday night for selling thousands of dollars in drugs to undercover police officers in Brooklyn.
Fake Nun Cocaine: Where Were The Drugs Hidden?
Where did the fake nuns hide cocaine?
Bruno Mars In GQ: Singer Talks Sex, Drugs And Hispanic Last Name
Bruno Mars discussed his incident with cocaine, his Hispanic last name and the inspiration for most of his music: sex.
U.S. denies bond for Mexico's alleged cocaine "Queenpin"
An alleged smuggler known as Mexico's "Queen of the Pacific" was ordered jailed without bond on Tuesday pending trial in Miami on cocaine conspiracy charges.