Tennessee Cop Repeatedly Charged Sober Drivers With DUIs, Causing One Arrestee to Lose Her Job and Home
A Tennessee cop resigned and moved to a different police department after it was revealed he arrested and charged four sober people with DUIs in 2023.
Unemployed Man Arrested After Stabbing 77-Year-Old Mother To Death
An unemployed man has been arrested for allegedly brutally stabbing his 77-year-old mother to death in Kyoto, Japan on Wednesday, June 1.
Woman Strangles Unemployed Husband To Death, Stuffs His Body Inside Sack With Underage Son's Help
A woman who was fed up with her husband's unemployment and alcoholism allegedly strangled him to death before proceeding to stuff his body inside a sack with the help of her underage son in Pitampura, New Delhi, India on Saturday, April 9.
Man Kills Himself After Not Receiving Job Notifications He Was Waiting For
A man reportedly killed himself by jumping in front of a moving train after he did not receive the job notifications he was waiting for.
Unemployed Son Kills 88-Year-Old Mother By Stabbing Her Multiple Times With A Knife
An unemployed man allegedly killed his 88-year-old mother by stabbing her multiple times with a knife at their home in Hyogo Prefecture, Japan.
Man Upset Over Unemployment Kills Himself By Downing Acid
An unemployed man reportedly consumed acid in order to kill himself, upset over not being able to find work.
Drunk Man Chops Off Wife's Nose After She Berated Him To Stop Drinking Alcohol
An Indian man allegedly chopped off his wife's nose after she told him to quit drinking and go look for work.