What Is 420? 17 Ways Urban Dictionary Defines Weed Day
Urban Dictionary users offer some hilarious and some not so funny definitions of 420!
Lauren Jauregui Arrested? Fifth Harmony Singer Busted At Airport For Weed Possession
Fifth Harmony's Lauren Jauregui was caught at Dulles International Airport carrying marijuana in her bag on her way to Brazil, where the girl band is set to perform.
Police Find Tunnel With Ton Of Cocaine, 7 Tons Of Marijuana Being Smuggled From Mexico To US
Authorities have detected close to seventy-five tunnels in the area in the past couple of years, sources say.
4/20 Quotes: 10 Funny Sayings To Commemorate 'Marijuana Appreciation Day'
4/20 is known as "Marijuana Appreciation day" or "Weed day." Here are some quotes to help celebrate this day.
What Is 4/20 And Why Is This Day Popular In Cannabis Culture?
April 20 is here and people around the world will celebrate "Weed Day." But where did this come from?
Sleep Deprivation May Give You The 'Munchies', According To New Study
Sleep deprivation may cause appetite changes and may boost levels of a chemical that makes eating more pleasurable similar to the marijuana munchies.
Legal Marijuana Sales Begin In Oregon On Thursday; Why That Might Affect Countries Like Colombia
As Oregon becomes the latest U.S. state to legalize marijuana, emboldening national and international drug reform efforts.
Oregon Marijuana Legalization: Could Lax Pot Laws Save More Latinos From Deportation?
Oregon is home to many undocumented immigrants, some of whom are deported for minor drug offenses
Is Marijuana Legal In The US? 24 States Where Cannabis Is Acceptable For Medical Purposes
There are 24 states in the US where medical marijuana is acceptable.
Latino Man Arrested For Performing Oral Sex On A Horse! [VIDEO]
A Latino man from Wisconsin was arrested last week for performing oral sex on a horse. Watch the hilarious reenactment and hear what happened.
Will Mexico Legalize Weed? President Enrique Peña Nieto Calls For ‘Debate’ On ‘Inconsistent’ US Policies
Enrique Peña Nieto indicated that policies across the hemisphere ought to be in coordination, and said the decades-old, US-backed policies had “failed.”
Zetas, Knights Templar Lead Drug Cartels In Earnings On Activities Other Than Narcotics, Say Experts
The Knights Templars look to iron ore. The Zetas have their hand in everything.
Uruguayan President José Mujica Meets ‘Consistently Impressed’ Obama At White House
“We need to learn English and you all will have to become bilingual sooner or later," Mujica told Obama.
Uruguay's Marijuana Market In Business After President José Mujica Signs Legalization Rules
The government will soon start taking applications from growers hoping to sell to regulated pharmacies.
Pacific Ocean Increasingly New Drug Trafficking Route, By Jet-Ski, Surfboard Or Boat
The Border Patrol says its anti-drug enforcement efforts along the US-Mexico border have pushed traffic into the Pacific Ocean. Seizures there have climbed 73 percent in the last four years.
Uruguay Becomes The First Country In The World To Legalize Marijuana Use And Trade
The South American country has legalized the cultivation, sale, production and consumption of the substance.
Watch Miley Cyrus Smoke Joint At 2013 MTV EMAs; Censored In US Broadcast [VIDEO AND POLL]
Miley Cyrus has shocked viewers after she is seen lighting and smoking a pot cigarette after winning an award at the 2013 MTV EMAs.
How Much Will Pot Cost In Uruguay? $1 Per Gram For Newly Legalized Marijuana
Uruguay's drug czar says that a dollar will get consumers a gram of marijuana -- about one thick cigarette or two to three thinner ones.
Mexican Drug Bust: 300 Tons of Marijuana Discovered in Chihuahua
301.5 tons of marijuana found and destroyed in the Mexican state of Chihuahua.
Marijuana Users Light Up In Legalization Demonstration Before Mexican Senate
“We’re not criminals. We don’t harm anyone. It’s our right to smoke whatever we want,” one of the protestors told La Jornada.
Seattle Police Doritos: Washington Cops Deal Out Munchies At Hempfest, Urge People To Read Guide To Legal Marijuana Use [VIDEO]
Cops will be handing out Doritos and educational information at pot festival.
Mexican Senator Mario Delgado To Propose Creation Of Marijuana Coffee Shops in Mexico City
Mario Delgado wants Mexico City to take a hint from Amsterdam and open up coffee shops for marijuana users.
Marijuana Legalization: Illinois Becomes 20th State To Legalize Medical Pot [VIDEO]
Illinois becomes second state in a week to legalize medical marijuana.
Legalization Of Marijuana In Uruguay: Law To Make Pot Legal Backed By President Jose Mujica To Come To Vote
Uruguay is looking to become the first country to legalize the sale of marijuana.
Justin Bieber Tour Bus Seized At Canadian Border, Marijuana Found
Pop star Justin Bieber's tour caught with marijuana at Canadian border.
Medical Marijuana Causes 'Complete Remission' In Crohn's Disease Patients Without Side Effects, Study Finds
Researchers find patients with severe Crohn's Disease respond well to medical marijuana treatments.
Mexico City Marijuana Legalization Bill In The Works
Mexico City lawmakers creating bill that would legalize marijuana for medical purposes.
Former Mexican President Vicente Fox Says He Would Grow Marijuana If It Was Legal
Former Mexican President Vicente Fox tells reporters "of course" he would grow marijuana if it was legalized.
Marijuana Legalization Push By U.S. Businessmen Backed By Ex Mexican President Vicente Fox; Would A U.S. Brand Distribute Mexican Pot?
One speaker at the event told the Seattle Times that plans for the first national brand of retail marijuana included an expansion into Mexico.
Yanira Maldonado, Arizona Mom Of 7, Falsely Accused Of Smuggling Marijuana While Attending Family Funeral In Mexico, Says Family [VIDEO]
Mom mexican prison incident has Yanira Maldonado in jail.