Dan Rather On IRS Scandal: 'Obstructionist' Republicans Sharing 'High Fives'
Former CBS anchor Dan Rather weighed in on MSNBC's "Morning Joe", blasting Republicans' response to the recent alleged scandals in Washington.
IRS Scandal: Philadelphia Eagle Evan Mathis Urinates On IRS Sign [PICTURE]
Eagles' lineman Evan Mathis makes his opinion of the IRS known publicly at 12th NW & Constitution.
IRS Targeting: Rev. Franklin Graham Says Ministry Was Targeted
The Rev. Franklin Graham wrote a letter stating that the IRS had allegedly investigated his and his father's Christian ministries.
Obama On Alleged IRS Targeting: 'Outrageous'; Vows To Hold IRS Accountable
President Obama reacted to allegations that the IRS was targeting political groups seeking tax exemption.
IRS Apologizes To Conservative Groups: Internal Revenue Service Confirms Targeting 'Patriot', Tea Party, During 2012 Election
The IRS confirmed through an official that the agency indeed 'singled-out' tea party-related organizations in their investigation of tax-exemption applications.
24 IRS Workers Theft: What Kind Of Government Benefits Did IRS Employees Steal?
"Operation Double Dip", an investigation into misappropriation of Tennessee state finances, discovered that 24 IRS workers had illegally drawn benefits from the government.
Charlie Sheen Helps Lindsay Lohan Pay Off IRS Debt
Today in fables of the rich and famous: the warlock helps the troubled Hollywood princess pay off her IRS debt.
Pam Anderson Debt: Star Owes over $300,000 in Back Taxes to IRS, California
Sometime actress Pamela Anderson may consider heading back to work sooner than later: the former "Baywatch" star is in serious trouble with the IRS and has been hit with a double tax lien totaling over $300,000, according to TMZ.
Lindsay Lohan Accounts Seized by IRS Ahead of December Court Date for Car Crash Hearing
Today, in part 767 of our on going saga, "The Trials and Tribulations of Being Lindsay Lohan," our heroin has her accounts seized by the IRS.