Twitter users shared last minute tax advice, grief, and relief at the impending deadline of the 2015 tax day. Hashtags #taxday and #taxday2015 trended as users tweeted articles about things they didn’t know about tax day, resuscitated scandals and read about reality checks. Tweets using #taxday included photos of dollar bills, dead sheep (no making that up), kittens (“let’s spend spend our refund on treats”), bar graphs, statistics, condoms, and baby monkeys. Pretty freaking random for a day that's pretty much about pens, paper, and pixels.
Almost as random were the shouting matches that channelled paperwork angst into political fury. “Get those damn immigrants to pay taxes,” argued some. “They already do -- and more than their fair share,” argued others. Don’t let my taxes fund wars! Don’t let my taxes fund abortions! You get the gist. We combed through hundreds of tweets on a dozen topics to find you the most interesting and absurd ones. Had enough politics? Skip to the end, where we’ve posted some funny tax tweets.
Undocumented immigrants vs. citizens: who is subsidizing who?
On #TaxDay, let's remember that undocumented workers pay billions of taxes and Social Security #theNumbers pic.twitter.com/CAxLBcslYO
— Jose Antonio Vargas (@joseiswriting) April 15, 2015
US #Immigrants key to sustaining #Medicare & Social Security. Find out more: http://t.co/NagMoCCR1y #TaxDay pic.twitter.com/F3oNfDYiRB
— Renew Our Economy (@renewoureconomy) April 15, 2015
Can we claim all the illegals since we all pay for their free stuff ? #TaxDay
— D.M. (@duckie624) April 15, 2015
Sending tax return $$ to #illegals who don't pay #taxes is unacceptable! Please RT if you agree. #TaxDay pic.twitter.com/pntYzOr7uP
— Sheriff Paul Babeu (@PaulBabeuAZ) April 15, 2015
Abolish the IRS vs. proud taxpayers
Instead Of Giving The IRS More Funding~> Congress Needs To #AbolishTheIRS #TaxDay #WakeUpAmerica #RedNationRising pic.twitter.com/B9itXVWabA
— RedNationRising (@RedNationRising) April 15, 2015
@rorycooper @Randy_Forbes Don't know what your smoking! Anyone who is poor, elderly, or disabled and a Republican is out of their mind.
— Charles Gustafson (@chasgustaf) April 15, 2015
“My Ultimate Goal Remains To Repeal The 16th Amendment & End The Tyranny Of The #IRS Once & For All.”- #RonPaul #TaxDay http://t.co/NWL0rPj9
— Alex Marshall (@JMarshall84) April 18, 2012
It’s #TaxDay — RT if you want to #AbolishTheIRS! http://t.co/xYprRCIzjq
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) April 15, 2015
At CDF we have #TaxpayerPride! What are YOU proud your taxes pay for? pic.twitter.com/7THwOoZvC5
— ChildrensDefenseFund (@ChildDefender) April 15, 2015
I paid my taxes, did you? I'm proud to pay my share-I have #TaxpayerPride. #TaxDay #TaxDay2015
— Adam Lopez Falk (@AdamLopezFalk) April 15, 2015
#TaxDay Rremember freedom ISN'T free. That's why we ALL should be proud to pay our fair share of taxes. And the 1% should be ashamed.
— Denise Ingram (@leclemot) April 15, 2015
Tax cuts
Doing your taxes? The President's budget would cut taxes for 44 million middle-class families. #ObamaTownHall #TaxDay pic.twitter.com/dOXXGUQPkt
— The White House (@WhiteHouse) April 15, 2015
How are Republicans celebrating #TaxDay? By green lighting the Romney-Ryan plan to give millionaires more tax cuts. http://t.co/fNw2XAmwVJ
— Chris Van Hollen (@ChrisVanHollen) April 15, 2015
We need fundamental tax reform that broadens the tax base by closing loopholes & reducing tax rates for all individuals & businesses #TaxDay
— Dean Heller (@SenDeanHeller) April 17, 2012
Abortion Funds exist to pay for the need the gov't leaves behind when they cut off abortion access to those in need. #RepealHyde #TaxDay
— NNAF Abortion Funds (@AbortionFunds) April 15, 2015
Surely there are better uses for tax dollars than funding abortions or abortion providers. No tax $ to end babies' lives! #taxday
— Andrew Bair (@ProLifePolitics) April 15, 2015
Thank you, @jemimakirke, for sharing your story & your vision of the world we want for our daughters. http://t.co/cL1tXOQ8rJ @ReproRights
— Cecile Richards (@CecileRichards) April 15, 2015
Reminder #TaxDay - http://t.co/MP2bCIFdvX pic.twitter.com/p67MxlcDLM
— someecards (@someecards) April 15, 2015
Total freedom. (via @curlycomedy) #TaxDay - http://t.co/oDu2Xb6RDM pic.twitter.com/pt3S03cHhP
— someecards (@someecards) April 15, 2015
Here’s a little #taxday humor from @someecards – don’t forget to file your taxes! pic.twitter.com/lfR5YNMEU5
— Kforce Inc (@Kforce) April 15, 2015
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