Vicente Fernández Corrido: Mexican Singer Comes Out Of Retirement To Back Hillary Clinton [VIDEO]
Our beloved "Chente" came out of retirement and surprised everyone with a new song and video supporting Hillary Clinton. Watch it here!
'Miss Piggy Can Vote': Ex-Miss Universe Alicia Machado Became US Citizen To Vote Against Trump
Miss Universe 1996 Alicia Machado is finally a US Citizen! She will vote against Trump in the coming elections after the presidential candidate humiliated her during her time as Miss Universe.
9 Latina Celebrities Supporting Hillary Clinton For President: America Ferrera, Eva Longoria And More
Many Latino celebrities are expressing their support for the Democratic presidential nominee. Here are nine Latina celebrities who hope that Hillary Clinton will be the next President of The U.S.A.
Donald Trump Twitter: Instructions On How To 'Delete Your Account' In 4 Easy Steps
Donald Trump should take Hillary Clinton and Elizabeth Warren's advice and delete his account. This is how you can deactivate Twitter in four easy steps!
'She's With Us' Concert: Ricky Martin, Christina Aguilera, More To Perform For Hillary Clinton
Latino stars show their support for presidential candidate Hillary Clinton at the upcoming "She's With Us" concert.
Jennifer Lopez 'Ain't Your Mama': Hillary Clinton Praises JLo For New Empowering Music Video
Jennifer Lopez dropped the music video for "Ain't Your Mama" and Hillary Clinton is a fan!
Marc Anthony 'Billboard' Cover: Singer Talks Magnus Media, Why He's Voting For Hillary, More
Marc Anthony nabs the cover of Billboard's "The 2016 Latin Issue" and talks about his new record label, Hillary Clinton, Cuba, and more.
Is Donald Trump Helping Hillary Clinton Win? Theory Suggests GOP Candidate Campaign Is Fake
Conspiracies are still holding on to the possibility of all this being a really bad joke.
Hillary Clinton: Mexican Government Not Doing Enough For Ayotzinapa; Calls Case 'Indignant'
"If I was working with the Mexican Government, I would not rest until we found out what happened..."
Nicolás Maduro Praises Bernie’s ‘Revolutionary Message,’ Bashes Hillary On ‘Anti-Imperialism’ Day In Venezuela
Nicolas Maduro hurts Bernie Sanders by complimenting his socialism
Democratic Debate: Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton Promise Guatemalan Woman To Stop Deportation, Bring America Together Again
During the Democratic presidential debate in Miami on Wednesday, a Guatemalan woman asks candidates what they can do to bring her husband back, and to stop other families from going through what she is going through.
Presidential Elections 2016: Hillary Clinton Snaps At Jorge Ramos During Democratic Debate In Miami
Univision's Jorge Ramos confronted Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton last night over her email scandal.
Berta Cáceres Murder: Activist Colleague Gustavo Castro Soto Prevented From Leaving Honduras After Surviving Assassination
Environmental activist Gustavo Castro Soto survived an assassination attempt by playing dead. Now he’s running for his life.
Dolores Huerta: Bernie Sanders Supporters ‘Don’t Know Who I am’
Bernie Sanders’ supports ha not have yelled “English only” at Dolores Huerta, but they have called her a liar and accused her of being bought off by Hillary Clinton
Eva Longoria: Latinos Too Smart To Vote For Ted Cruz
Eva Longoria is not typical celebrity endorser. Behind her words is the Latino Victory Project, a powerful political action group that’s aiming to be a force in 2016
Democratic Presidential Candidates Support Temporary Protective Status For Central American Migrants Instead Of ICE Deportation Raids
TPS is about to be the most talked about immigration topic. Here’s what you need to know about Bernie Sanders’ and Martin O’Malley’s plea to the White House.
Martin O’Malley Urges Obama To Give Central American Migrants Legal Status Instead Of Deporting Them
O’Malley call for TPS signals rift between Hillary Clinton and rivals over how to deal with a recent influx of Central American migrants
Hillary Clinton's Campaign Compares Her To Latina Abuela, Social Media Backlash Ensues
The post was quickly criticized by Latinos on Social Media, who said Clinton never had to face the poverty and struggles of their own Hispanic grandmothers.
Hillary Clinton Uses This Mexican Ingredient To Stay Fit During Campaign Trail
It looks like Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton has more "cojones" than we thought!
Hillary Clinton ISIS Speech: 8 Quotes From Candidate's Pro-War Address, Call For More 'Boots On The Ground'
After scaring some Latinos with her military solutions to Latin American immigration, the Paris attacks appear to have paved the way for Hillary Clinton to embrace her inner hawk.
Hillary Clinton Wins SEIU Endorsement, Organizing Power From Giant Union
Hillary Clinton now enjoys the lion’s share of union support in the 2016 presidential race.
Marco Rubio: ‘We Are Not Going To Pass Comprehensive Immigration Reform In This Country’
Marco Rubio helped create comprehensive immigration reform, but will he be able to escape it?
Hillary Clinton Immigration ‘Flip-Flops’ Criticized By Martin O’Malley, Immigrant Activist Group Loosely Linked To Bernie Sanders
O’Malley is going after Hillary Clinton on immigration, personally, by proxy, and through cobelligerents
Martin O’Malley Attacks Bernie & Hillary, Gains Visibility In Major National Poll
Escaping electoral obscurity, O’Malley has stayed in the debates and gained visibility in a national poll.
Joe Biden 2016: Will VP Decide To Run For President In The Next 48 Hours?
Biden’s tergiversation -- pussyfooting -- is expected to come to an end this week as the VP decides whether or not to seek the Democratic nomination in 2016
Hispanic Chamber Of Commerce Says Martin O'Malley Has Best Presidential Immigration Plan
Pro-immigrant groups love Martin O’Malley’s progressive proposals, but are policy stances enough to get him traction in the campaign?
Julian Castro On Hillary Clinton’s Shortlist For Vice President, Candidate Confirms
Hillary Clinton says she’s seriously considering Latino HUD Director Julian Castro for VP slot, other positions if she wins the White House
Democratic Debates Leave Progressive Latinos With More Questions Than Answers
This Latino union leader and nurse has pleanty to say about the Democratic debates, and how it relates to the national conversation about health care, immigration, and the fight for raising the minimum wage -- even if Democrats do not.
Immigration Reform News: What Democrats Said About Immigrants In The Debate, And Why It Matters
Democrats dueled on immigration and other issues during the first primary debate. Here's what each candidate said.
Bernie Sanders On Immigration: Read Full Speech From Presidential Candidate’s Address To NALEO
Most Latinos have never heard of Bernie Sanders, but his immigration platform could shape the 2016 debate