
NSA Spying: Glenn Greenwald Says NSA Read Emails Of Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto; Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff Also Target

Glenn Greenwald, a journalist for the Guardian who has been the recipient of much of the classified information on the National Security Agency from leaker Edward Snowden, said on Brazilian television last night that a June 2012 document from the NSA indicates that Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto’s emails were being read and that Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff’s communications were intercepted.

Glenn Greenwald, Guardian Journalist, Says Brazil Outrage Protected His Partner From Terrorism Act Arrest At UK Airport

David Miranda, the partner of Guardian journalist Glenn Greenwald and a Brazilian citizen, was detained for nine hours at London’s Heathrow Airport on his way home to Brazil from Berlin. British authorities said Miranda was held and questioned under a 2000 anti-terrorism law which has been widely criticized for granting police broad powers to stop and carry out searches on people without reasonable permission. Greenwald says his partner was held because of his reportage on top-secret NSA surveillance programs.
