Miguel Herrera
Miguel Herrera. Reuters

El Tri's head coach Miguel 'El Piojo' Herrera has admitted that it may be hard for him to choose players that he has not worked with before. Yesterday's match against the United States was the last opportunity for Herrera to test out his players: by El Tri's next match agains Israel on the 28th of May, his squad of 23 will have already been chosen. For this reason, with no other matches left for players to show their skill, Herrera will only have his previous experience to draw on.

"It won't be as if we will be drawing names out of a hit - we will try to be as fair as possible," said Miguel Herrera. "I don't want to rule anyone out, but it is harder for them (players that he hasn't worked with) because I don't know them, the ones that have been working with me, I know what they can give me." El Piojo indicated that at FIFA's request, he would be sending a shortlist of 30 players on the 13th of May and he assured that he would make no secret about his final 23 on the same day.

"Mor than likely we will give the list of 23 and the seven names for them to fill so that there is no mystery. Today we are going to talk with Héctor (González Iñárritu) and with Ricardo (Peláez) to see if it's better for us to give the list of 23 at the same time as the list of 30 to avoid any speculation, but we are going to talk about it because there are a number of ideas in my head of how we could give the top 30 and then later the final 23." He also assured fans that he would not reveal any individual names prior to the final lists.

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