One Erection
One Erection, parody of One Direction YouTube/ Mauro Stacul/ Telefe

Argentinean TV show “Peligro Sin Codificar” is known for its parodies, but Tuesday night they created a whole movement that went viral and even became a Twitter “Trending Topic.” The show, that airs at the local Argentina television station Telefe, poked fun at the popular British boy band One Direction, and featured the boys of “One Erection” visiting the show to play a number for the audience that got laughs all around the world.

Telefe’s website described this segment of the show as follows: “The emotions awaken by this quintet are beyond the limits of the rational. Today, for the first time in Argentinean television, we present the guys that pay tribute to this band. Meet “One Erection” and their fan club of desperate teenagers, the Erectioners.”

Although fans in Argentina knew this was a joke, many others all over the world thought at first that they were making fun of the band. In time, though, most started to realize it was all a parody and many fans began tweeting the video to the actual band, hoping they'd take a look at it.

Others were a little confused by the hashtag #OneErection, and many just decided to go with the flow, tweeting comments like, “#oneerection is trending, did i miss something? One Erection is what my sister calls the boys instead of One Direction.” Another tweeted, “One direction has condoms lol ok #OneErection.” Another wrote to one of the actual One Direction members, “@Harry_Styles Hello ! In Argentina there is a boy band called #OneErection. And they are a success.”

The truth is, even if you aren't a huge fan of the One Direction band you have to check out the Argentina parody video, because it will sure make your day better.

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