After the news of José José battling pancreatic cancer broke, his longtime fan base worried about his health condition and the risks the singer was facing. Right after El Príncipe De La Canción confirmed the real reason behind his much commented thin figure, he said the doctors were positive that he will survive. "The doctors have told me that we are in good time to combat the cancer that is why we have started the first sessions of chemotherapy. I am coming and going from the hospital. I am calm, it is not the first time that I have had to face a disease in my lifetime, there have been many tests and God has always helped me. This will not be the exception; everything is going to be fine," he told Primera Hora.
Months after chemo and a surgery, doctor’s predictions became real when Laura Núñez, the singer’s PR agent said, according to Primera Hora, that José José is “cancer free.” "They‘ve [the doctors] already operated him, he is in great shape, he is in recovery and everything is fine, he is cancer free, he doesn’t have that disease anymore,” Núñez said. “In fact, the surgery wasn’t scheduled, he had medical exams early. We came to do his the routine studies to do the surgery in the future, but considering that everything was favorable and coincided with the expectations of the surgeon, José José told him, 'once and for all, be encouraged.'"
As presented by the media, Núñez said the singer had a surgery at the Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Médicas y Nutrición in Mexico City for a little over four hours, led by oncologist Carlos Chan, specialist in liver and pancreas cancer.
To pay homage to José José, Telemundo Studios announced “Nace un Ídolo,” a serialized biography based on the real-life story of the Mexican musical icon. Accoording to the statement, the media company will recreate his story emboding a man’s journey to reach the status of an idol — including fame and fortune — and the high price he had to pay to achieve his dreams.
The series highlights the passion and excitement that a superstar artist feels for his craft and the adoration of his fans while also displaying the frailty of the man coping with his addiction and its damaging effects.
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