Multiple reports claim Apple has delayed the release of its highly anticipated wearable tech, the iWatch. According to Daily Mail via a Chinese analyst close to the company the device has been delayed until 2015. The website reports Apple is holding off on launching the iWatch to ensure the hardware and software are perfect.
Although this news seems like a bummer for all those wanting to get their hands on Apple's first wearable tech it hasn't stopped the firms stocks which hit an all time high ahead of an expected Sept. 9 launch of the iPhone and iWatch. Apple's shares rose 1.4 percent to end at $100.53, which is a closing record high for the tech company.
According to 9to5Mac KGI Securities analyst Ming-Chi Kuo, who has an excellent track record with Apple leaks and predictions, says difficulties with manufacturing the iWatch is likely causing the delay.
"We reiterate our view that iWatch, as compared to existing products, and as Apple’s (US) first attempt at a wearable device, represents a much higher level of difficulty for the company as regards component and system design, manufacturing and integration between hardware and software," Kuo said. "While we are positive on iWatch and believe that the advantages of the design and business model behind it are difficult to copy, we think, given the aforementioned challenges, that the launch could be postponed to 2015."
The iWatch has been rumored to feature multiple health and fitness sensors plus access to your messages and notifications via your iPhone and iPad. There has been rumors that said the device will hold 10 sensors including a sweat sensor. The device will also work in close conjunction with Apple's Health App recently announced for iOS 8.
Although the launch date for the device has reportedly been moved to sometime in 2015 fans of Apple should still expect to hear something about the product at one of the company's press events later this year.
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