It seems Apple will be adding an all new lightning connector to its upcoming flagship device the iPhone 6. Early last week a leaked photo of what appeared to be a new charging cable for Apple appeared online. The picture was said to be sourced from Apple supplier Foxconn, and were shown in a production stage. Now Sonny Dickson, who frequently leaks iPhone parts, revealed a new photo of the accessory, which further indicates that a new Lightning cable with a reversible USB connector may be coming with the new iPhone. Check out the image of the cable below:
Apple's current USB connector on the lightning cable is attached to the bottom of its metal holding, as you can see in the picture above the new connector is attached to the center. As MacRumors points the new design could possibly indicate that the new cable could utilize USB 3.0 technology, as the current lightning cables only support USB 2.0. As reported by Mac Otakara the new Lightning cable could also feature support for high-definition audio playback on Made for iPhone accessories.
Apple will most likely ship the new lightning cable along with its upcoming device the iPhone 6 which is said to be announced and release next month.
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