Gina Rodriguez has launched a social media campaign called "Movement Mondays" with the hopes to see more Latino stars on screen. In her new initiative, Rodriguez will highlight a Latino star and talk more of his or her trajectory and achievements. She will promote her colleagues on social media every Monday with the hashtag #MovementMondays and is encouraging everyone to do the same.
The "Jane the Virgin" star emphasized more about her project on social media and stated the following:
With all this Oscar Talk and lack of diversity I decided to start a movement and speak from the perspective of a Latina American who desires to see more Latinos on screen. There are 55 million Latinos in this country and although we all come from various backgrounds our unity can make a movie explode at the box office or a tv show soar to the highest viewers possible. The better these projects do financially, the more money they will spend on putting Latinos In blockbuster films, as leads in tv shows Etc. My solution is this, support is needed. Right now there isn't one Latino that can Greenlight a movie. That means no studio will put their money behind a Latino face as a lead of a movie because they don't believe we can make their money back. I am told time and time again "Latinos dont watch Latino Movies. Latinos don't support each other" and sadly that is true. I'm not saying go and see a movie you don't like to blind support, I'm saying if you want to see us represented on film and tv, if you want to see Latinos nominated for Oscars, we NEED to support one another. The industry sees money, the excuse can't just be racism. We can make a difference in a very powerful way if we unite our support as one Latino community.
The Puerto Rican actress kicked off Movement Mondays with a photo of Guatemalan actor Oscar Isaac.
"This is Oscar Isaac. He is a Guatemalan American actor. This is a picture from 'Ex Machina' directed by Alex Garland and was released this past year. Oscar Isaac, in my opinion had an Oscar-worthy performance in this film. Let's start making noise with where it matters most, where we put our dollars. Go support these films, watch these shows (mine is on tonight by the way, shameless promotion feel free to watch on the CW) and we can take making a change into our own hands," she wrote.
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