Daunte Culpepper
Former NFL quarterback lost one of his Florida homes following bank foreclosure. Creative Commons

Daunte Culpepper, former NFL quarterback, has lost one of his homes located in Florida in a bank foreclosure case. The former NFL star surrendered the home to SunTrust Bank instead of foreclosure. The bank dropped its lawsuit regarding the home this month, USA Today reported.

The bank claimed he was $3 million in debt in its court papers. Culpepper bought the 9,867-square foot home for $3.6 million when the Miami Dolphins signed him on in 2006. He owns another nearby in the suburb of Weston. When he was signed to the Dolphins, he expected to be the franchise quarterback, but the team opted for Drew Brees instead, NBC Sports reported.

Culpepper has a history of playing for the Minnesota Vikings, Oakland Raiders and Detroit Lions in addition to the Dolphins. In 2010, he played in Sacramento for the Mountain Lions as part of the United Footbal League, Sporting News reported.

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