A Saudi woman is reportedly demanding a sudden divorce after finding out that her husband is bald just two days after their wedding in Abu Dhabi.
The husband reportedly concealed his baldness from his wife during and before their engagement by wearing a ghutra, a traditional Saudi cotton headdress. However, a few days after their marriage, the woman saw her husband without the headdress and realized that he was bald.
The wife stated that her husband kept her in the dark about his baldness and demanded that she needs a divorce as she felt betrayed, Gulf News reported.
“I feel embarrassed in front of my friends and relatives and I have concerns that my children could be prone to baldness. It is difficult for me to live with him anymore,” she said.
The couple reportedly got married only two days before the lawsuit was filed. The issue came to light when the woman spoke of her concerns during a counseling session that was set up at the family court.
The officials at the marriage counseling center reportedly tried to dissuade the woman from going forward with the divorce over the trivial issue, but the woman remained adamant in her decision.
Another counseling session has been scheduled for the couple with the hope that the woman will have a change of heart in her decision.
The husband’s lawyer said that it is the strangest divorce case that he had ever seen. He added that a woman has the right to request for their marriage to be annulled if she discovers a persistent defect in her husband that was concealed from her at the time of their engagement.
In a similar but unrelated incident, a Nigerian man named Mojidi Osho, 72, reportedly filed for a divorce from his wife Tolu Osho, 68, for denying him sex for over a decade, according to Igando Customary Court in Lagos, Nigeria.
Adeniyi Koledoye, the president of Igando Customary Court in Lagos dissolved the marriage between Osho and Tolu after the man persistently approached the court demanding a divorce on several occasions, Latin Times reported.
Osho was reportedly ordered to recompense US$607.53 (250,000 Nigerian Naira) to his wife as a severance payment and another US$607.53 (250,000 Nigerian Naira) for her to get a new accommodation after their divorce.
“I stopped him from making love to me four years ago when he started bringing different girls home to sleep with, after which he will want to sleep with me; so I refused him,” Tolu stated.
Tolu added that her husband is just looking for excuses to discard her so that he can marry another woman.

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