As the coronavirus pandemic progresses across the globe, the U.S. has become the epicenter of the outbreak as the number of those infected in the nation has crossed 400,000.

The strict lockdown measures across the United States have hit the economy severely, especially small businesses. Thus, recently President Trump conversed with business leaders to discuss efforts to provide financial relief to small businesses during which he made a shocking claim- that 10% of the jobs in the U.S. have been created by his daughter Ivanka Trump.

Well, he said that she created 15 million jobs and considering that 152 million people were employed in the nation before the coronavirus epidemic, it boils to 10% of the workforce. And this is not the first time that Trump has made such exaggerated remarks as during a White House event last November, he was busy boasting that at 14 million jobs have been created by his daughter in the last two and a half years.

According to these two claims and the time lapse of 6 months between them, it appears that Ivanka is blessed with superhuman strength as she created a million jobs in the past 6 months. Whoa, right? And all these praises heaped by Trump have no fact backing them, like most of the things the U.S. President says. All that Ivanka does is co-chair a workforce policy advisory board but whether that advisory board created 15 million jobs is up for questioning.

So, coming to the facts- the board Ivanka co-chairs collaborates with private companies and only offers training opportunities to workers, which is not, and will not be counted as, a job. And while Trump is busy, indirectly, claiming that the U.S. economy would have taken a major hit and would have lost 8 million jobs before the coronavirus pandemic began had it been not for the able shoulders of his daughter, the U.S. economy is crumbling. The coronavirus pandemic, which Trump has been treating as nothing till even the last month, is now shutting down the U.S. economy and plunging businesses into recession.

Ivanka Trump Eric Trump
Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Trump visits his Scottish golf course Turnberry with his children Ivanka Trump and Eric Trump on July 30, 2015 in Ayr, Scotland. Donald Trump answered questions from the media at a press conference. Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images

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