Harris and Trump
Kamala Harris and Donald Trump AFP

As Vice President Kamala Harris seemingly continues to have political momentum on her side since rising to the top of the Democratic presidential ticket, making inroads in several polls at the national and state level, former President Donald Trump still has an advantage on a significant issue: the economy.

According to a new poll by ABC/Washington Post/Ipsos, the Republican candidate holds a 9-point advantage over Harris when it comes to handling the economy and inflation, the issue most respondents singled out as key heading into the polls.

Trump also holds a significant lead when it comes to immigration, with 46% of respondents choosing him as the most suitable candidate to adequately handle the flows of people reaching the southern border compared to 36% for Harris.

The vice president, on her end, is perceived more favorably than Trump on several personal attributes, including mental sharpness, physical health, and honesty. She also holds a 12-point lead in the handling of abortion and a 14-point one in "Race relations." Protecting American democracy, gun violence and appointments to the U.S. Supreme Court are the other areas in which she holds an edge over Trump.

The vice president also holds a lead at the national level: she garners 49% of the vote among registered voters compared to Trump's 45% in a head-to-head matchup. When third-party candidates are considered, Harris's support slightly dips to 47%, with Trump at 44% and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. at 5%. This marks an improvement for Democrats, as polls from early July showed a near tie between Trump and President Joe Biden.

The poll's margin of error suggests that Harris's lead is not statistically significant, but the shift from Biden to Harris did reshape the electoral landscape, giving Democrats the edge and the momentum. Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin are viewed as the most contested battleground states that could help decide the race.

The poll also highlights a shift in voter satisfaction. In July, only 28% of voters expressed satisfaction with a Biden-Trump matchup. Now, 44% are satisfied with the choice between Harris and Trump. Among Democrats, satisfaction has increased significantly, with 60% expressing contentment with Harris as the nominee compared to 20% who felt that way about Biden.

Harris has also strengthened her standing among key voter demographics, including younger voters and independents. The poll shows her leading Trump by 25 percentage points among voters under 40, an increase from Biden's seven-point lead in July. Among independents, Harris now leads Trump by eight points, up from a two-point margin in favor of Trump last month.

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