A recap of the first episode of "True Blood" season 6.
A recap of the first episode of "True Blood" season 6. HBO

The episode "Who Are You, Really?" directed by Stephen Moyer felt like more of a long continuance of where we left off in season 5. There are now more questions than answers about post-Lillith Bill floating around, and even with the reveal of Rutger Hauer as Warlow, the audience is still left wondering about what he is.

While Billith seemed like the ultimate evil at the end of Season 5 and even in the opening credits moments of the Season 6 premiere, it's later revealed that he might not be all bad. In fact, Sookie and Eric might have completely misjudged post-transformation Bill.

Jessica, as always, was the one person who stood behind Bill, even though she saw him at his worst in Season 5. It remains to be seen if her faith in Billith is all for naught, though his intentions for keeping her around seem for the best.

Promos for this season imply that The governor of Lousiana Truman Burrell (Arliss Howlard) will be the next big bad, but thus far he hasn't acted too terribly, all things considered. Though he issued a decree enforcing a vampire curfew and ordering the closure of all vampire-owned businesses, he also partnered with the makers of Tru Blood to start creating more of the synthetic blood to appease the vampire population.

Warlow's appearance felt like more of a tease than anything else. Of course the sketchy older man who Jason got a ride from and proceeded to spill his life story to was going to be the same vampire the Stackhouses are trying so hard to find. But the reveal that Warlow was the progeny of Lillith adds a nice twist to his threat, and also is an easy way for the Warlow/Billith storylines to tie together.

In the second story line it seems that Luna did die from her final shift into a human body leaving Sam to take care of Emma.

As for Andy and his half-fairie babies it looks like the infants didn't stick around too long. In one scene Andy was talking with Arlene about his caution becoming a parent and in another scene Andy is awaking to four toddlers surrounding him calling him daddy.

Alcide's two scenes seemed a little forced into the premiere and an excuse to show some nudity. Hopefully the werewolves get drawn into some of the other storylines this season, but the werewolf plot could ultimately just be about Alcide also not having power corrupt him as a leader of a pack.

Then there's Tara and Pam. Their romance isn't all sunbeams and roses despite their kiss in the Season 5 finale, and it seems like Pam is going to do her best to push Tara away.

The season opener definitely did what the show does best and left us all with more questions than answers but the teaser to the upcoming season looks like a promising storyline Catch it below.

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