Homeland Security Head Said To Be Considering Expansion Of Deportation Protections
Members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus returned from a meeting with DHS head Jeh Johnson seeming pleased with what they'd been told.
Two-Thirds Of Deportees Under Obama Administration Not Serious Criminals, Says New York Times Analysis
Most people who get deported are not who the Obama administration claims they are.
Immigration Reform 2014: Congressional Hispanic Caucus Calls On Obama To Use ‘All Legal Means Available’ To Broaden Deportation Protections
The Congressional Hispanic Caucus has released a series of recommendations for the Obama administration which includes extending protection from deportation to a much greater group of undocumented immigrants.
Republican Senator Rand Paul Says GOP Must Get ‘Beyond Deportation’ To Appeal To Hispanic Voters
Sen. Paul said on Tuesday that the GOP wouldn't be able to expand its appeal to Latino voters until its members "get beyond" deportations.
Immigration Authorities Say Daughter’s Plea To Pope Francis Had No Influence On Release Of Detainee
Mario Vargas Lopez, who spent five months in a Louisiana detention center, has been released after posting bond. His 10-year-old daughter had jumped a barrier at the Vatican to ask Pope Francis to help put a stop to deportations.
What Does Obama Administration Immigration-Enforcement Review Mean For Deportation Policy?
Obama considering policy changes on immigration-enforcement which would cut back on deportations of noncitizens who were only guilty of immigration violations.
Obama Deportation Policy: President Orders Immigration Enforcement Review After Facing Pressure From Latino Groups
Obama has ordered Homeland Security secretary Jeh Johnson to review how the agency can "conduct enforcement more humanely."
Immigrant Detainees Enter Third Day Of Hunger Strike In Washington Detention Center
Hundreds of detainees in a Tacoma, Wa. detention center are striking to protest deportations and what they describe as exploitation within the center, which is owned by the prison operator GEO Group.
Obama Dismisses ‘Deporter-In-Chief’ Comments, Says Latinos Know He’s ‘Got Their Back’
Obama called himself the "champion-in-chief" of comprehensive immigration reform and said Latinos should support him despite recent accusations by immigrant- and Latino-advocate groups that he has not done all he could to halt deportations.
National Council Of La Raza President To Take Hard Line Against 'Deporter-In-Chief' Obama
One of the last Latino groups to back the Obama administration despite its record on deportations is inaugurating a tougher approach.
Arizona Anti-Deportation Activists Enter Second Week Of Hunger Strike
Six family members of detainees at the Eloy Detention Center -- one of whom has been there for three years -- have staged a hunger strike to call for their release.
56 Percent Of Deported Mexicans Want To Stay, Say Officials
56 percent of the 330,000 Mexicans repatriated by US authorities in 2013 told Mexico’s migration institute that they wanted to stay in Mexico.
Immigration Reform 2014: Obama Urges House Democrats To Keep Pushing For Vote
The president told House Democrats at their party retreat on Thursday that some Republicans in the House did want to see immigration reform passed, but that they were reluctant to face potential "political blowback" on the issue.
Immigration Judges Granting ICE Deportation Requests At Lower Rates
Half of all ICE’s filings to have an individual deported were awarded by immigration judges so far in fiscal year 2014, the lowest ever rate.
US Deportation Of Guatemalans Leaps 26 Percent In New Year, Say Authorities
The first month of 2014 saw a jump in deportations of Guatemalans compared to the first month of 2013, according to Guatemalan authorities.
Criminal Alien Removal Initiative, Little-Known ICE Pilot Program, Stirs Protest In New Orleans
Details on an ICE pilot program targeting “fugitive aliens” pit Obama administration priorities against civil-rights and immigrant-advocate groups who say it amounts to racial profiling.
National Day Laborer Organizing Network Group Files Petition With DHS For Halt On Deportations
An immigrant advocacy group has filed a petition to temporarily halt deportations. They cite a law on federal agency procedure in saying DHS must explain its decision to deny or grant the request.
Homeland Security Says Release Of Long-Awaited Immigrant Detainee Info ‘Not Feasible’
The ACLU had filed a lawsuit in 2011 over the release of some 22,000 individual case files of immigrant detainees. The government says they can't provide them.
Deportations By Obama Administration Of Undocumented Immigrants Drop In 2013 For First Time
The number is down from 409,000 in 2012. Over 1.9 million people have been deported since the president entered office in 2009.
Immigration Reform 2013: House Democrats Pen Letter To Obama Urging Suspension Of Deportations
In a letter on Thursday, 29 House Democrats added their voices to a growing chorus -- led by immigrant advocates -- in urging the president to expand a reprieve from deportation to a greater part of the nation's estimated 11.7 million undocumented immigrants.
White House Won’t Rule Out Executive Action On Immigration If Reform Isn’t Passed
During an interview last week, a White House spokesman said that President Barack Obama would not take executive action to stop deportations but would not comment on the future use of it by the president to address immigration reform.
Deportations To Mexico Expected To Rise In 2014 As Mexican Immigration Agency Plans Support Program For Deportees
"We received, in this past year alone...370,000 Mexicans," wrote the head of Mexico's National Migration Institute in a statement to Mexico's Congress, adding that the agency expects a rise in the number of deportees arriving in Mexico from the United States in 2014.
Haitians In Dominican Republic And Even Citizens Express Increasing Fear Of Deportation After Citizenship Law
The Dominican Supreme Court’s September ruling which stripped some 200,000 Dominicans of their citizenship is having unintended consequences.
Latinos In The US: ‘Two Americans’ Co-Creators Valeria Fernandez And Dan DeVivo Dig For Borderland Dramas
Valeria Fernández and Dan DeVivo's new documentary, "Two Americans", takes a closer look at the lives of Sheriff Joe Arpaio and Katherine Figueroa, who was nine years old when her parents were arrested in one of the Arizona sheriff's immigration raids.
Trust Act Awaits California Governor Jerry Brown’s Signature; What Would The California Anti-Deportation Bill Do?
After Gov. Jerry Brown vetoed a previous version, the bill's sponsors revamped it to meet more of his criteria. The state Senate passed that new version earlier this month. Now Brown has until October 13 to decide if he'll sign it.
Immigration Reform 2013: Obama Says Halt To Deportations ‘Not An Option’
In an interview with Telemundo on Tuesday, the president ruled out the idea that his suspension of deportations for young undocumented immigrants could be extended to a broader portion of the nation’s estimated 11 million people without legal status.
Immigration Reform 2013: Would Obama Take Executive Action To Stop Deportations If A Bill Fails?
An article from The Atlantic published on Wednesday afternoon joined a growing chorus of voices who say that with chances of a comprehensive immigration bill being passed looking slim, the president might issue an executive order putting a halt to deportations of undocumented immigrants.
Obama Administration Directive To ICE Urges Discretion On Deportations Of Undocumented Parents
The memo issued on Friday evening directs Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) personnel to consider the toll that overly punitive treatment of detained undocumented immigrants could have on their family, while stopping short of offering relief from deportation.
DACA Obama Program Attracts Less Than Half Of Eligible DREAMers In First Year; Why Aren't Young Immigrants Applying?
Only 49 percent of those eligible applied for a two-year deferral of deportation procedures and workplace authorization, according to a new study by the Migration Policy Institute. Why is that number so low?
Young Immigrant Activists, Protesting Obama Deportations, Detained At Arizona Border
In a protest organized by the National Immigrant Youth Alliance, 8 young undocumented activists trying to re-enter the US from Mexico are asking for "humanitarian parole".