Latinos In The US: ‘Two Americans’ Co-Creators Valeria Fernandez And Dan DeVivo Dig For Borderland Dramas
Valeria Fernández and Dan DeVivo's new documentary, "Two Americans", takes a closer look at the lives of Sheriff Joe Arpaio and Katherine Figueroa, who was nine years old when her parents were arrested in one of the Arizona sheriff's immigration raids.
Trust Act Awaits California Governor Jerry Brown’s Signature; What Would The California Anti-Deportation Bill Do?
After Gov. Jerry Brown vetoed a previous version, the bill's sponsors revamped it to meet more of his criteria. The state Senate passed that new version earlier this month. Now Brown has until October 13 to decide if he'll sign it.
Immigration Reform 2013: Obama Says Halt To Deportations ‘Not An Option’
In an interview with Telemundo on Tuesday, the president ruled out the idea that his suspension of deportations for young undocumented immigrants could be extended to a broader portion of the nation’s estimated 11 million people without legal status.
Immigration Reform 2013: Would Obama Take Executive Action To Stop Deportations If A Bill Fails?
An article from The Atlantic published on Wednesday afternoon joined a growing chorus of voices who say that with chances of a comprehensive immigration bill being passed looking slim, the president might issue an executive order putting a halt to deportations of undocumented immigrants.
Obama Administration Directive To ICE Urges Discretion On Deportations Of Undocumented Parents
The memo issued on Friday evening directs Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) personnel to consider the toll that overly punitive treatment of detained undocumented immigrants could have on their family, while stopping short of offering relief from deportation.
DACA Obama Program Attracts Less Than Half Of Eligible DREAMers In First Year; Why Aren't Young Immigrants Applying?
Only 49 percent of those eligible applied for a two-year deferral of deportation procedures and workplace authorization, according to a new study by the Migration Policy Institute. Why is that number so low?
Young Immigrant Activists, Protesting Obama Deportations, Detained At Arizona Border
In a protest organized by the National Immigrant Youth Alliance, 8 young undocumented activists trying to re-enter the US from Mexico are asking for "humanitarian parole".
Rep. Steve King To Talk Immigration, Deportations On Univision With Jorge Ramos
The Republican representative from Iowa will make a rare appearance on Univision’s “Al Punto Con Jorge Ramos” this Sunday. Advance transcripts indicate Ramos will confront King on his stance regarding the legal status of the nation’s estimated 11 million undocumented as well as his comments comparing immigrants to dogs.
Janet Napolitano To Resign: 4 Things To Know About The Former Homeland Security Secretary
The Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was perhaps the most controversial since the agency was established after 9/11.
President Barack Obama Makes Last Pitch For Immigration Reform Before Legislation Is In Senate
Immigrant advocacy groups continue to demand that Obama put a stop to deportations. On Friday, one such group protested in Santa Monica, California, calling the president the "deporter in chief".
May Day Rallies: Immigration Reform Rallies Draw Tens Of Thousands
In Los Angeles, which expected one of the biggest turnouts, protestors demanded an end to deportations. Record numbers of undocumented immigrants have been deported under the Obama administration. Elsewhere, protestors rallied in support of immigration reform.