Tsarnaev Brothers
Tamerlan Tsarnaev with brother Dzhokhar Tsarnaev are pictured in this FBI combination photo. Reuters

The body of Boston bombing suspect, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, has been buried somewhere outside of Massachusetts.

News broke of Tamerlan Tsarnaev's burial following an annoucnement from officials, which stated, the remains of the suspected Boston Marathon bomber were removed late Wednesday night from the Graham Putnam & ­Mahoney Funeral Parlors where his body has been since last Friday.

While the location of Tsarnaev's burial has been disputed and caused public outrage, the burial location was approved by Ruslan Tsarni. Ruslan identified himself as the suspected terrorist uncle and has been the sole representative for the family while prepaing burial arragements.

Funeral home director, Peter Stefan worked with Ruslan in an attempt to find a cemetery that was willing to accept the remains of the suspect Boston Marathon bomber.

"As a result of our public appeal for help a courageous and compassionate individual came forward to provide the assistance needed to properly bury the deceased," Worcester police said in a statement this morning. "His body is no longer in the city of Worcester and is now entombed."

Police release a statement regarding the burial of Tsarnaev and confirmed that the suspecetd terrorist is now buried outside of the city of Worcester but did not disclose the exact location.

LIVE UPDATE: Boston Globe reporter Wesley Lowery cited confusion as to whether the body has actually been buried or just moved in preparation for burial.


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