Jeri Andrews (L), 43, and Amy Andrews 33, hold up their marriage license in Seattle, Washington December 6, 2012.
Jeri Andrews (L), 43, and Amy Andrews 33, hold up their marriage license in Seattle, Washington December 6, 2012. REUTERS/Marcus Donner

Same-sex marriage is now legal in Washington State as Gov. Chris Gregoire and Sec. of State Sam Reed certified the election of Referendum 74.

"For the past twenty years we've been saying just one more step. Just one more fight. Just one more law. But now we can stop saying 'just one more.' This is it. We are here. We did it," Gregoire said.

"In just a few hours, all Washington families will have the opportunity to receive a marriage license. As one of three states in the nation where voters affirmed marriage equality at the ballot box - there is no more resounding endorsement. I thank them for standing up for what is right."

Washington joins Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Vermont, and the District of Columbia to allow same sex couples to marry.

In Maine and Maryland, same-sex marriage will be legal on Dec. 29 and on Jan. 1, respectively.

Gregoire signed marriage equality legislation of February of this year after passing in both the House of Representatives and the Senate. The referendum passed by Washington state voters in November allows same-sex couples to legally marry in the state.

Hundreds of couple lined up to get their marriage licenses - some called the moment "historic" and said they now feel like they're "regular people."

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