Spanish singer Raphael is coming to the United States to continue his tour. He claims retiring is not an option now. Reuters

You would think that anyone at 71 years of age would be already retired or at least about to. Well, not Raphael. The legendary Spanish singer has everything but retiring on his mind as he approaches the dates to bring his tour “Mi Gran Noche” to the United States. From May 24 to June 7, Raphael will perform in San Diego, Los Angeles, El Paso, McAllen, Orlando, Miami and New York, as well as San Juan, Puerto Rico. The singer promises three hours reminiscing some of his classics like “Yo sigo siendo aquel,” “Como yo te amo,” “En carne viva,” “Que sabe nadie,” “Escándalo,” among many others.

Not only will he be wrapping up his tour, but he will be preparing to star in “Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde” in Spain later in the year. This comes after 10 years of starring in the same show, but postponing it due to a liver disease that ended with a transplant. So it looks like we’ll have Raphael for long. He even said it himself when during an interview recently he was asked it he had retirement in his plans to which he quickly replied “No.” He said he has “so many things left to do.”

“This doesn’t mean that I’m not going to go. That can’t be. I’ll know just about the time when I’ll have to, not go, because the artist that’s born an artist dies an artist, but I won’t be as full as I am now.” He went on to add, “I’ll go on a long vacation, and maybe two years from then people will say ‘Where did he go?’ Well, I’ll be on vacation, but there won’t be a farewell tour because I’m not going anywhere.” The singer and actor continued to say that whenever he has free time, he spends it in the studio re-recording some of his classic songs.

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