Charles Ramsey, Missing Women Found, Amanda  Berry
Image YouTube

Charles Ramsey said no to the offer of free burgers for life as a reward for helping the three Ohio women held captive by Ariel Castro.

On May 6, 2013 Charles Ramsey was eating some McDonalds when he heard a woman screaming for help. Ramsey followed the screams and found kidnapping victim Amanda Berry desperately trying to escape from the home where she and two other women had been held hostage for 10-years.

Ramsey broke down the door and helped Berry out of the house. Both Ramsey and Berry called the police and Ariel Castro was arrested. Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus and Michelle Knight were all rescued and taken to the hospital, reunited with their families and sent home.

Ramsey said no free burgers for him because he was just doing what needed to be done. As previously reported by the Latin Times, Ramsey told Anderson Cooper that you have to put aside feelings telling you not to get involved when somebody asks for help. Ramsey said that by not acting you are being a coward.

After the dramatic rescue of the three Ohio women Ramsey's colorful interviews made him an internet sensation. YouTube videos remixing his statements and showing Ramsey throwing burgers at Castro have gone viral.

According to Yahoo News Ramsey finds the entire thing distasteful and has hired a lawyer to stop the use of his likeness and voice for these internet videos. Ramsey's lawyer released a statement saying,

"Ramsey Also wants everyone to know that he does not endorse the consortium of Northeastern Ohio restaurants who are offering "Ramsey Burgers" or who are promoting that Ramsey can receive free burgers from them for life."

In the statement Ramsey addressed the various videos he is portrayed in saying,

"I never told these people they could use my name for this."

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