Pretty Little Liars
The "Pretty Little Liars" summer finale will air Tuesday at 8 p.m. on ABC Family. Youtube/abcfamily

The "Pretty Little Liars" midseason summer finale is going to be an apt precursor to the "season of answers," as Sasha Pieterse put it in a recent interview about the show. Cliffhangers have been the show's speciality up until now, and it is not expected to disappoint with its edge-of-your seat drama and allusions to possible answers to long-asked questions tonight. While the show has been frequently dropping hints that Ali DiLaurentis, once believed dead, could actually be alive. That answer, though, will have to wait until the Halloween special where tons of other surprises are expected to happen. "You will get suspicions, if you will. A peak in the summer finale, but you will find out for sure in the Halloween episode," Pieterse suggested. "You find out if Alison is alive or dead and I think that is going to be a really cool thing for me and a really big treat, so I'm excited to see what the fans think of that episode."

For now, viewers will get a glimpse into the mystery surrounding the night that Alison disappeared. Apparently, she talked to a lot of people fans wouldn't have expected the night she vanished, and has tons of secrets she was stealthy about, such as blackmailing people. Fans will also find out who that shady Red Coat figure is, though current speculation is that it can only be one person, Cece Drake. Not to mention that some details about Cece's so-called "twisted" relationship with Alison will soon be revealed. "You'll definitely find out more about that in the nature of Cece and whether she's good or bad and kind of what's behind her and what's making her tick. Is she behind it all? Is she being controlled by someone? You'll definitely know very soon what is going on which is pretty spectacular," Pieterse said.

The finale sets to test everything fans believed about the show and to give some new information for eager viewers to munch on until October, when the truth finally comes out! Though perhaps the hottest mystery on the show won't be answered, the finale is, of course, going to end on a killer cliffhanger that will leave viewers talking until the shows swings back into gear, Pieterse said. Lastly, the crew is expected to make one shocking discovery that no one saw coming. The "Pretty Little Liars" summer finale will air on ABC Family at 8 p.m. Tuesday. Fans can watch a livestream of the show here.

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