We sure hope you weren’t part of any crazy drinking game during the first US Presidential Debate between Democratic and Republican nominees, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump respectively. If you expected a circus, well, you got it. Out of the remarks that made people laugh the most, Donald Trump repeated once again that Clinton lacked a presidential “look” and went on to explain that she just didn’t have “the stamina” that being a president requires, and that sent social media users screaming #mansplaining all over. However, Hillary pointed out some of her highlights as a secretary of state, and replied that Trump “can talk to me about stamina” when he accomplishes as much.
She also pointed out an incident with former Miss Universe Alicia Machado, whom he called “Miss Piggy” back when she was a beauty queen, because she gained weight due to the pressures of being such a public figure. “He tried to change from looks to stamina, but this is a man who has called women pigs, slobs and dogs,” Clinton said. Trump defended himself before adding that he had planned to say “something extremely rough” to Mrs. Clinton and her family, but decided against it.
Another huge point was the Iraq war. Hillary repeatedly pressed Trump’s claim that he had opposed the Iraq war from the beginning, which has been contradicted by public statements he has made in the past, including a tweet that might soon be deleted. “Donald supported the invasion of Iraq,” he said. “That is absolutely proved over and over again.” “Wrong,” Trump interjected. “Wrong.”
If you missed the debate, here are some memes and jokes to make it easier for you to understand it. Did we miss any? Let us know!
#Conan on #DebateNight & more @ https://t.co/eoENMEmNsY pic.twitter.com/MSzHnsolnv
— Team Coco (@TeamCoco) September 27, 2016
This can't be real. NOOOO. #DebateNight pic.twitter.com/yWuK1611bP
— Veronica Miracle (@ABC7Veronica) September 27, 2016
If you played any #debatenight drinking game. DO NOT get behind the wheel...and maybe go ahead and call a doctor pic.twitter.com/vhkK2UsUnT
— Chief Max Geron (@ChiefGeron) September 27, 2016
Best debate finish of all time #debatenight pic.twitter.com/UAypMcKgmZ
— Tyrion Lannister (@GoT_Tyrion) September 27, 2016
.@realdonaldtrump hey you called? #debates pic.twitter.com/M1XESz4qBj
— Anonymous (@YourAnonNews) September 27, 2016
What it's like to watch #debates as told by Jim faces pic.twitter.com/9ob8hErsfi
— The Office Tweets (@DavidWallaceCFO) September 27, 2016
"Our airports are from a 3rd world country"#debates pic.twitter.com/c8HcTt7rgd
— jacksfilms (@jacksfilms) September 27, 2016
These memes from the debate are so funny!!!! Makes up for watching two hours of cringe. pic.twitter.com/vU23utdXwL
— Annelise Jr. (@annelisejr) September 27, 2016
“@NFL_Memes: The real debate everyone wants to see... pic.twitter.com/IYkAB61eEt” ???
— Jane Slater (@SlaterNFL) September 27, 2016
#DonaldTrump: "My dad gave me a small loan"... Really?#debatenight#TrumpedUpTrickleDown#Debates2016#ImWithHer pic.twitter.com/fsyPPOLZ6a
— Khary Penebaker (@kharyp) September 27, 2016
Sounds terminal. #TrumpSniffle pic.twitter.com/P8cpkUjyzu
— Dani ? ? ? (@daniAWESOME) September 27, 2016
Trump's SNIFF > Gore's SIGH
— Rory Cooper (@rorycooper) September 27, 2016
Notice Trump sniffing all the time. Coke user?
— Howard Dean (@GovHowardDean) September 27, 2016
A5) blueberry is like velvet #BerriesforPresident pic.twitter.com/qVoR5vD9su
— Silly Sheep ? (@SillySheep) September 27, 2016
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