Woman Cuts Her Sister Off After Nephew Ruins Gender Reveal
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An expectant mother says she's no longer speaking to her sister after her undisciplined nephew spoiled the surprise at her "crime-scene" themed gender reveal party.

When a 25-year-old woman's gender reveal party ended in a messy disaster, she took to Reddit to share the details of the drama, asking if she was wrong to cut her sister and nephew out of her life completely.

"Yesterday was my gender reveal and my husband and I had the cutest idea (I'm biased)," she began. "I let my best friend take care of the planning, I just gave her the theme."

The gender reveal party was arranged to resemble the scene of a crime, complete with numbered evidence cards and caution tape. Wearing a police officer's uniform, her best friend patrolled the taped-off area where a sheet concealed a mini crime scene designed to reveal the baby's gender.

Her sister was in attendance with her 13-year-old son, who the poster claims is something of a troublemaker. "He's been suspended from school 4 times already and it's only October," she wrote. "He's been banned from Walmart for stealing. He broke his neighbors window."

"I told her before she came that I need her to keep him next to her at all times," she added. "At least until the reveal was done. If that was too much then she shouldn't come."

The sister assured her "she would make sure he was attached to her hip." Sadly, "he was not."

While her costume-clad best friend was in the bathroom, a "giant boom" was heard from behind the crime scene curtain, followed by a plume of white smoke from which her nephew emerged, covered in white powder.

The smoke came from a prop canon, the firing of which was meant to coincide with the sheet being pulled down to reveal a "makeshift jail cell with blue clothes, stuffed animals...all your stereotypical boy stuff," and a projection casting her sonogram and the words "Release date Feb 12th, 2025" on to the cell wall. It seems her nephew had snuck behind the scenes and fired the cannon prematurely.

"I went off. I started cursing them both out. I told them to leave and not come back and that I will never invite her to another event that I'm hosting. That she couldn't even do one thing for me," she said. "Her son was 'crying' that I yelled at him and he did the whole thing 'mommy, please save me' act."

She said her sister started yelling back, and soon the entire family was involved. The fight extended into the family group chat, where her sister allegedly insisted she was being dramatic, "that it wasn't a big deal and I should be happy to have a healthy baby."

"I told her to not contact me until she and her son can give a genuine apology and that I wouldn't be inviting her to any of my events because of her son and if she can't leave him alone (which she can't because he acts the way he does) then she'll have to miss out," the woman concluded.

The comments fall into two categories: Those who are outraged at her nephew's behavior, and those criticizing her decision to host a gender reveal party in the first place.

Commenters from the first camp describe the nephew as a "menace," a "delinquent," and a "psychopath."

Some criticize the general concept of gender reveal parties, while other Redditors were more pointed in their criticism.

Still other commenters embraced both perspectives.

Woman Cuts Her Sister Off After Nephew Ruins Gender Reveal

The post was edited to respond to the negative comments, with the mom-to-be telling the anti-gender-reveal crowd they don't have to be "so nasty and rude."

"[C]alling me tacky and other names like really?" she added. "It was something that my husband and I wanted to do."

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