Microsoft releases first Nokia ad. Shutterstock

Microsoft is now the proud owner of Nokia’s devices and services unit making the Windows company the new face of Nokia. While many of the 25,000 ex-Nokia workers are tweeting pics of their new Microsoft employee badges the company itself took its first workday very seriously.

The company used its first day to put the Microsoft branding on a new web ad for Nokia. The new video entitled “Not Like Everybody Else” plays up Microsoft as the underdog in the mobile world. Showing the company is different from the competition with a touch of color and a classic Kinks song.

Previous ads from Microsoft have been odd to say the least. Like the 2010 advertisment that pretty much announced the Microsoft mobile software is something consumers wouldn’t obsess over. Then there’s the wedding fight ad that pits iPhone and Android owners against each other and places Microsoft’s mobile devices as the alternative option.

While this new ad isn’t spectacularly different or out there, it does get its message across letting consumers know Windows Phone is different enough from other mobile platforms and worth the try. Check out the ad below!

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