Mayor rams car into store
Mayor rams car into store screen shot AOL video

The mayor of the British town of St. Edmundsbury, Terry Buckle has rammed his car into the front window of a grocery store.

Buckle has only been mayor for 5-day when he had the accident. The ironic part, (besides the fact that a man with the last name Buckle was in a car accident) is that the mayor used to be a driving instructor.

The 73-year-old mayor was able to avoid hitting customers inside the store and no one was injured. Buckle was taken to the hospital for an exam and released the same day.

The mayor's wife told the East Anglican Daily Times, "He's home now. He's fine, and he had an X-ray on his neck, and he's just a bit sore. He's gone to bed with some tablets."

The Inquisitr says that the mayor may have caused the accident by forcing his car to lunge forward while he was trying to park his car in front of the store. As the car was heading for the store the automatic doors opened and the car ended up inside.

The owners and operators of the grocery store are working fast to make all the necessary repairs. Despite the damage from the car, the store will remain open.

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