Mary Trump, 55, and niece of President Donald Trump was all set to publish her upcoming book, “Too Much and Never Enough, How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man” on July 28. In her book, Mary has reportedly shed light on how her uncle, Trump, "became the man who now threatens the world's health, economic security, and social fabric."

But on July 30, a New York judge passed a restraining order against the book, blocking its publishing date temporarily.

The restraining order was granted to her uncle, the president's brother, Robert. According to Robert's lawyer, Charles Harder, "the actions of Mary Trump and Simon & Schuster are truly reprehensible." The book, being published by Simon & Schuster, is already trending in the fourth place in Amazon's best-seller list.

"We look forward to vigorously litigating this case and will seek the maximum remedies available by law for the enormous damages caused by Mary Trump's breach of contract and Simon & Schuster's intentional interference with that contract," Harder said. "Short of corrective action to immediately cease their egregious conduct, we will pursue this case to the very end."

The book will reveal "a nightmare of traumas, destructive relationships, and a tragic combination of neglect and abuse" and was supposed to be released a few weeks before Trump will be nominated for a second term by his party.

President Trump has also condemned the book, claiming that by writing it his niece was violating her non-disclosure agreement (NDA) which she signed 20 years ago following a dispute over her father, Fred Trump Jr.’s estate in 2001 that took place after his death in 1981.

And according to Trump, the NDA is a "very powerful one" that "covers everything" and will be enough to derail Mary Trump’s book.

But her lawyers are not ready to bow down easily and are already gearing up to appeal against the ruling.

"The trial court's temporary restraining order is only temporary but it still is a prior restraint on core political speech that flatly violates the First Amendment," said her lawyer, Ted Boutrous.

"This book, which addresses matters of great public concern and importance about a sitting president in an election year, should not be suppressed even for one day," he continued.

The next hearing will take place on July 10, in New York's Dutchess County.

Donald Trump
U.S President Donald Trump tweeted Mexico is the second deadliest country in the world and Mexico clapped back! GettyImages

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