“Locke and Key” is originally a comic created by Gabriel Rodriguez and Joe Hill. The funny series was then adapted for TV by Netflix and it was a great decision since it become well-known after being released on the streaming platform.

It debuted on Netflix on Feb. 7 and a month after it was introduced, the streaming giant announced its renewal for the second season. Apparently, the series pulled so much attention when it was streamed on Netflix so now as fans want it to continue, it was given a “go” signal.

The renewal was announced last month and it was posted on social media for fans to know. “Locke and Keys” season 2 will be more interesting as the Locke siblings are just starting to realize their new roles as the Keepers of the Keys.

“We are thrilled to be continuing the journey of Locke and Key alongside all of our amazing collaborators,” Deadline quoted Carlton Cuse and Meredith Averill, the drama’s executive producers and showrunners as saying. “We are grateful to Netflix for all their support, especially at this difficult time and look forward to bringing you the exciting next chapter of our story.”

It was revealed that the showrunners are already preparing the scripts since it is now officially confirmed that there will be season 2 of “Locke & Key.” Actually, they have been preparing even before the first installment was released thus this proved that they already knew beforehand that their supernatural fantasy drama is getting a renewal order.

Then again, while they were able to work in advance to complete the script for the next season, it seems that filming will not begin any time soon. This is because of the current COVID-19 pandemic already killed more than 9,000 and infected over 336,000 people in the U.S. alone.

Due to the situation, it is not certain when the production for “Locke and Key” season 2 will begin. Nobody knows when the crisis will end but it may take a while before everything returns to normal and businesses will be open again.

In any case, the series is expected to feature the same set of cast members that include Darby Stanchfield, Connor Jessup, Emilia Jones, Jackson Robert Scott, Laysla De Oliveira, Petrice Jones, and Griffin Gluck. There is no release date yet but it was predicted to arrive by spring or fall in 2021, as per Netflix Life.

Locke and Key
Official photo cover of 'Locke and Key' Photo by: Locke and Key/Facebook

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