Jenni Rivera
Jenni Rivera, also known as "La Diva de la Banda" Creative Commons

Five months after Jenni Rivera lost her life in a plane crash, her brother, Lupillo Rivera visited Sierra Madre de Nuevo León, 125 miles south of Monterrey, the place where the accident occurred.

He arrived at the Monterrey International Airport where he revealed that his intentions were to buy the whole property where the plane fell down and build a house for his sister's kids so they could feel closer to her. He also wants to build a Museum honoring the singer.

Lupillo Rivera, also a Grammy Award winning singer, was interviewed by land owner identified as "Don Rosendo", gathering that only lasted a few minutes.

After the interview, Don Rosendo said to the press that he had denied the petition to buy the land because it was his legacy for his kids and that had no monetary value, but he did made a deal and gave Rivera 2.5 acres of the property, which the singer accepted gratefully.

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