Commuters push train
Image Screen Shot from YouTube

Over a dozen Japanese commuters helped to free a woman caught between the 32-ton train and the platform by pushing the train so it tilted up. The unidentified woman, in her 30's slipped and fell through an eight inch gap between the platform and the train.

A public announcement was made over the subway's PA system telling passengers about the trapped woman. A newspaper photographer was at the scene and told the local media as soon as passengers heard the announcement they ran to help.

The photographer works for Japan's Yomiuri newspaper and captured the heroic rescue on his camera. You can see a long line of people, men, women, old and young pushing against the train in an effort to get it to move.

It took 40 people to push against the commuter train, getting it to lean over so the woman could be pulled to safety. The woman was pulled to safety and was not injured. Onlookers applauded as the woman was brought up onto the platform.

After being delayed only eight minutes the train was able to continue with its route. The image of the dramatic train rescue became a viral sensation on Twitter. People sent out tweets congratulating the rescuers for what they did. Others called what they saw beautiful, and said their faith in humanity had been restored.


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