"House of Cards" will return to Netflix with 13 new episodes at the end of February. The series left fans with so many questions after the season two finale like is Doug (Michael Kelly) really dead? And where will the Underwood's go now that Frank (Kevin Spacey) has the presidency under his belt? The last season ended with Frank plotting to be POTUS and succeeding but fans are wondering if it will last?
In the trailer for the highly anticipated third season we see a lot of different screenshots featuring Claire (Robin Wright) that look a little suspect. There are three screens in particular that set off our alarm and makes us think FLOTUS will somehow ruin Frank's presidency. The first is Claire in a morgue viewing some ones body. We don't know who it is but she's obviously there to identify the deceased. The second screen is of Claire crying over the sink more than likely over what happened with the dead person. Lastly, we see Claire and Frank having a conversation where she tells him, "We're murderers Francis" and he replies fiercely "We're survivors." This last scene definitely lets us know Claire is feeling the pressure of what her and Frank had done. Check out the trailer below along with these other 5 exciting details about the third season of "HoC."
1. Claire kills Frank - In the original BBC version of "House of Cards" Claire kills her husband at the end of season three. Fans have been wondering if that same outcome will come to the American version and if the trailer is any indication then it we may see the end of Frank Underwood.
2. Frank kills Claire - Other fans have speculated that the tables may turn and Frank will have Claire killed. If any of these occur it will be a major plot twist to the story. Unfortunately we won't know what happens until the third season airs Feb. 27.
3. Pussy Riot to guest star - Although the plot has been kept under wraps we know that the band Pussy Riot will have a guest appearance on the premiere episode.
4. More plot revealed - With Pussy Riot guest starring on the series speculations have been made that the season will feature U.S.. and Russian relations as Pussy Riot was previously jailed in Russia for their political dissent.
5. New enemies - We can't be certain but we could have met the new big bad in the trailer for "House of Cards." There was a short scene where Francis is attempting to shake hands with a man and we then see that same man grab and kiss Claire right in front of him. Frank didn't look pleased and being that close to Claire means he more than likely will be part of the main cast. Whether he's friend or foe is still up for debate.
Viewers will be able to see how the season plays out when it premieres on Netflix Feb. 27.
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