Fans are eager to watch the Season 6 finale of "Game Of Thrones." The HBO series ends this chapter with Episode 10 titled "The Winds Of Winter." As one of the most dissected shows on television, GoT has viewers guessing what will happen on the last episode of the sixth season. Ahead of the closing chapter, Twitter users have been making predictions and reading spoilers online. Read down below what people have been saying on social media and tell us what you think!
Episode 9 of "Game Of Thrones" Season 6 was titled "Battle Of The Bastards." Daenerys meets with the slave masters to negotiate terms of surrender, but they refuse it. She then rides Drogon, as Rhaegal and Viserion assist them in burning the slaver's fleet. Grey Worm kills two of the masters, leaving one to tell of what he had witnessed. After the battle, Theon and Yara meet with Daenerys and Tyrion and agree to an alliance.
Near Winterfell, the Stark and Bolton armies meet on the field. Ramsay frees Rickon, but kills him with an arrow before Jon can save him. In the battle, the Stark forces are pinned by Bolton soldiers, but they are rescued by the Knights of the Vale. Ramsay flees inside Winterfell, but Wun Wun, having taken numerous arrows to his body, manages to break the door down before succumbing to his wounds. Jon brutally beats Ramsay and takes him prisoner. Sansa later visits Ramsay's cell in the kennels and watches as his starving hounds devour him.
#GameofThrones predictions
— Sabrina (@SabFrniCFC) June 26, 2016
Cersei to go full Wildifre mode Tommen dies. The Night King passes through the Wall, WW kill everyone there.
Predictions for A.) tonight's #GameofThrones finale and B.) the upcoming US election... THAT WALL IS COMING DOWN.
— Andrew Johnston (@_andrewjohnston) June 26, 2016
#GameofThrones finale predictions: Dany sails to Westeros, R L=J confirmed, The Wall comes down, King's Landing burns. Ice and fire.
— Frank Pallotta (@frankpallotta) June 26, 2016
My #GameofThrones predictions:Walder Frey dies, Littlefinger wants to marry Sansa, Cersei uses wild fire on King's Landing & Daenerys leaves
— Jessica Kanagalingam (@JessTheNoob) June 26, 2016
Can't-miss predictions for tonight's #GameOfThrones season finale:
— Adam Proteau (@Proteautype) June 26, 2016
1. Opening credits.
2. Death. Lots and lots of death.
3. End credits.
Season finale predictions#GameOfThrones #ThronesYall pic.twitter.com/U50E52zptw
— Tommen Googling (@TommenGoogling) June 26, 2016
#GameofThrones death predictions: Loras Tyrell, High Sparrow, Walder Frey, Benjen Stark, Melisandre
— Kevin Brown (@27Kbrown) June 26, 2016
#GameofThrones Predictions:
— ☾✭☽BoosterGold☾✭☽ (@BoosterKord) June 26, 2016
- Cersei kills her enemies w/ wildfire
- Sansa agrees to marry Petyr
- Arya at the Twins
- Walkers defeat Wall
Game of throne predictions.... Third time lucky for sansa #GameofThrones
— Shane Levitt (@ShaneLevitt11) June 26, 2016
Any #GameofThrones predictions? I say Arya kills Walder Frey using her Faceless Men skills. Ladies r getting revenge!
— Alison Dillon (@AliGator10) June 26, 2016
#GameofThrones death predictions tonight :
— Steve (@srichter23) June 26, 2016
The high sparrow
Walder Frey
#GameofThrones death predictions for tonight. Tommen and Cersei. Burn baby burn!
— Fabien Barthez (@SXTNHRDCSTL) June 26, 2016
#GameofThrones season finale predictions: LC Dolorous Edd and remaining watch ride the remnants of The Wall south to the neck.
— Anthony J. Pelliccio (@A_Pelliccio) June 26, 2016
Predictions for #GameofThrones finale are Cersei will go nuts & Jamie will kill her_❣& tower of joy will finally confirm Jon Targareyn_❄️
— Emma O'Hare (@EdnaP29) June 26, 2016
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