Season 6 of "Game Of Thrones" is coming to an end on HBO. Sunday night, viewers of the series will watch Episode 10 titled "The Winds Of Winter." The epic 10th episode will be the finale for this chapter of the saga. The Starks have taken Ramsay out, but will happier times be ahead of more dark moments? Watch a preview of the Season 6 finale above and tell us how you think it will end in the comments section below!
Fans should make sure they watch it on TV or live stream online by downloading the HBO Now app for mobile and streaming devices. The service has a free trial that users can take advantage of to catch the latest episodes that the premium network produces. New episodes of Season 6 of the show are added every week. Each new chapter has created major buzz on social media and you do not want to miss anything from this riveting saga. "Game Of Thrones" airs Sunday nights at 9 p.m. on the premium cable network.
Episode 9 of "Game Of Thrones" Season 6 is titled "Battle Of The Bastards." Daenerys meets with the slave masters to negotiate terms of surrender, but they refuse it. She then rides Drogon, as Rhaegal and Viserion assist them in burning the slaver's fleet. Grey Worm kills two of the masters, leaving one to tell of what he had witnessed. After the battle, Theon and Yara meet with Daenerys and Tyrion and agree to an alliance. Near Winterfell, the Stark and Bolton armies meet on the field. Ramsay frees Rickon, but kills him with an arrow before Jon can save him. In the battle, the Stark forces are pinned by Bolton soldiers, but they are rescued by the Knights of the Vale. Ramsay flees inside Winterfell, but Wun Wun, having taken numerous arrows to his body, manages to break the door down before succumbing to his wounds. Jon brutally beats Ramsay and takes him prisoner. Sansa later visits Ramsay's cell in the kennels and watches as his starving hounds devour him.
Episode 8 of "Game Of Thrones" Season 6 is titled "No One." Tommen decrees that trial by combat will be abolished and replaced by trial by the faith, much to Cersei's dismay. Brienne arrives at Riverrun and attempts to persuade the Blackfish to surrender, without success. After Jaime threatens to kill Edmure Tully's young son, Edmure orders the Tully forces to stand down, but the Blackfish is killed fighting the Lannisters. Brienne escapes. Varys departs Meereen on an unknown mission. Soon after his departure, Meereen comes under naval assault by the slaving cities, but Daenerys returns. Sandor Clegane kills the outlaws who sacked his village and encounters Ser Beric Dondarrion and Thoros of Myr, who explain that the outlaws were renegades. Arya is taken in by Lady Crane, who heals her wounds, but in the morning the Waif arrives, kills Lady Crane and chases Arya through the streets of Braavos. Arya leads the Waif into the catacombs and kills the Waif, before returning her face to the House of Black and White and declaring that she is Arya Stark.
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