The fourth season of “Game of Thrones” won’t arrive till spring of 2014 but when the HBO series does return, viewers may be in for a bit of a shock. The Emmy-award winning TV show is adapted from George R.R. Martin’s notorious series, “A Song of Ice and Fire,” and while “Game of Thrones” has been praised for its likeness to its inspiration, Season 4 will be the biggest deviation from the books yet. Season 4 of “Game of Thrones” is set to chronicle the second half of “A Storm of Swords,” however with so much content and the shows strict 10 episode per season format, some scenes, plot lines, and even characters are getting the ax.
Show runners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss have previously expressed their admiration for GRRM’s book series, but already in Season 3 we have seen how book to TV adaptations are difficult. Daenerys Targaryen discovering the true identity of Ser Barristan Selmy has been completely removed for the TV plot. Dany's story alone in Season 4 will vary greatly from her story in "Storm of Swords." Dany's plot in the HBO series is being fast-forwarded, much to GRRM’s dismay. A vital scene that is likely eliminated is the actual moment when Dany is almost killed by the Titan's Bastard. This assassination plot was turned into her meeting of Daario Naharis, who killed the Titan’s Bastard after he decided that Dany should be killed in Season 3.
But in “A Storm of Swords," the story is much different and honestly much better. The Titan’s Bastard hides among her people in the refugee camp, and only reveals himself when Dany is without a guard. He attempts to kill her but she is saved by Arstan Whitebeard, who we later discover is Ser Barrsiatn Selmy in disguise. After he saves her life, his true identity is finally revealed, but because he has been Dany's confidant and adviser for so long, she is shocked and deeply betrayed. The groveling Selmy also reveals the truth about Jorah. Remember when the seemingly loyal Jorah was providing information to Varys in exchange for a royal pardon way back in Season 1? Well, this whole plot line comes full circle in “A Storm of Swords,” but considering Benioff and Weiss have already killed the Titan’s Bastard, revealed Selmy and introduced Darrio, will this intricately entwined plot just die? We sure hope not, but it doesn’t seem like there is a way to actually revive it to its former mysterious and cohesive glory.
This may prove a genuine problem for the “Game of Thrones” TV series because the overall plot is so twisted, in-depth and extensive, readers learn patience while reading “A Song of Ice and Fire” that eventually all their questions will be answered by GRRM. But on the show, it seems like the prolonged plots and character relationships are quickened and eventually wrapped up before being fully allowed to develop. Another issue that will plague Season 4 is that each character of the series is not featured in every book, the series is told in the third person by point of view characters, whose number reaches 31 by the fifth novel. And let’s not forget there are still two subsequent novels to come. So with already the largest ensemble cast on TV, how is it possible that Benioff and Weiss will be able to keep an aligned storyline with 31 characters. Well, frankly put, it’s not.
Martin recently discussed this issue openly, terming it as the "butterfly effect," revealing how HBO’s show runners have deleted several characters from his massive cast to allow for a tighter script. Characters such as Daenerys Targaryen and Tyrion Lannister have proven to be fan favorites of the show, but despite their popularity, the characters do not have point-of-view chapters in the fourth book, “A Feast for Crows.” While they are still involved in the story of Westeos, it focuses more on minor characters creating an even larger web of content. But I doubt that HBO will simply exclude them from the end of Season 4 and eventually Season 5, because ratings would plummet and the story would seem disjointed. Therefore -- unfortunately for GRRM, loyalists and “Game of Thrones” purists -- I must reveal to you that the show is going to deviate drastically from the books.
I understand and feel your pain, I have applauded “Game of Thrones” show runners for their devotion to “A Song of Ice and Fire,” but despite their best intentions it seems like the impossible can’t be done even by them. There is really no way a TV show can stay completely true to GRRM’s series of epic fantasy novels that spans a history of thousands of years with the inclusion of over 30 characters from over 15 varying settings. How will the show be saved? I am weary of Season 4 due to the increased talks of divergence and now GRRM’s admittance of issues with character elimination. Martin stated that there will be a serious issue with Sansa’s storyline in Season 4 due to the character’s interaction with King Joffrey in Season 1. But Martin clarified that Benioff and Weiss are the runners of the HBO show and he is simply in charge of his book series, thus he admitted he leaves the major show decision up to them despite his concerns. And this is the major reason why I am genuinely nervous for the future of the series, and while Benioff and Weiss may disagree, I think we should always listen to GRRM about life, love, happiness and, of course, “Game of Thrones.”
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