The Season 4 finale of “Game of Thrones” premieres this Sunday on HBO and while fans have seen there fair share of deaths this season, we are looking at you Joffrey, there are still more to come. If you have somehow forgotten the ominous warnings that accompanied the Season 4 promotional posters, than let me the first to remind you that “Game of Thrones” promised fans “All Men Must Die.” The symbolic poster featured the Valyrian translation of Deanerys Targaryen’s favorite saying “Valar Morghulis,” alongside a picture of Bran Stark’s destiny— the three eyed raven. So what does all mean for the “Game of Thrones” Season 4 finale? Well, to put it bluntly—death. The finale episode “The Children” will feature three major deaths, one that while stunning has been foreshowed in the last few episodes of Season 4 and two that are just down right George R.R. Martin style shocking!
Warning! Spoilers ahead for Season 4 of “Game of Thrones.” If you do not want to know what will occur in forthcoming episodes do not read any further.
The first death that will most likely occur will be the death of the Hound. After encountering a fallen peasant outside of his hut, The Hound and Arya go to him, mainly in search of food, but also attempt to provide him some sort of comfort, as his hour of death grows nearer. With the Hound distracted any unknown assailant attacks him for behind and manages to wound in the neck and ear before being killed quickly. While the wound is not instantly mortal, it continues to fester and becomes infected as he and Arya continue their journey through the countryside to the Vale. Immediately after receiving the wound, Arya offered to care for it properly, stating that she would burn off the dead skin and wash it out.
However, due to the Hound intense fear of fire, Arya barely manages to clean out the wound before the Hound refuses the rest of her treatment. His fear of fire, and refusal of Arya’s help will end up being the thing that kills him. Throughout their journey the Hound ends up falling underneath a tree and can’t get back up, instead of granting him the mercy of a quick death, Arya leaves him to bleed out and die. While the death of the Hound is never exactly confirmed in the George R.R. Martin series “A Song of Ice and Fire,” most fans believe his story has ended.
The next deaths are certainly more dramatic then the slow and painful death of the Hound. While you many expect Tyrion to be the Lannister who meets his maker in the Season 4 finale episode, you are mistaking. In fact, Tyrion will be the Lannister who delivers the arrow of death, directly into the gut of his father, Tywin. Another death that is set to occur in “The Children” will be the death of Tywin Lannister. Tyrion kills his father after discovering the truth about his first wife, Tysha.
Long before Shea or even Sansa Stark, Tyrion was in another relationship, Tyrion met his first wife on “a lonely road,” she was being accosted by a group of men, Jamie drove off the men and Tyrion comforted her. He fell deeply in love with Tysha and decided to marry her. However not all were approving of the young couple, Tywin Lannister was dismayed by his son’s marriage, and insisted that Jamie lie to his younger brother and “expose” Tysha as a whore, who was merely playing the young imp.
George R.R. Martin’s “A Game of Thrones” reveals that Tywin passed the young girl among his guards to have sex with her, for each guard, he gave her silver. To drive the lesson home, Tywin forced his son to be the last man, for whom Tysha was paid a gold coin, because Lannisters were worth more. Before giving his younger brother his freedom by breaking him out of the black cells, Jamie also gifts him with the truth about Tysha. Despite his father’s acts, Tysha was not a whore; Jamie admits that Tywin instructed him to lie to his younger brother and insist that the love was not true, but in truth, Jamie finally admits that Tysha “was what she seemed to be.”
The third death set to occur in the Season 4 finale is also involved in this plot. Tyrion will find Tywin, but not before discovering Shae sleeping soundly in his father’s bed. In a fit of rage, Tyrion will strangle Shae for her betrayal, befor setting his sights on his father who is casually on the chamber pot. Tyrion arms himself with a crossbow and asks his father about Tysha. Tywin says that he does not remember what became of Tysha and simply states she went “wherever whores go.” Tyrion finally realizing that his father has never cared for his feelings shots his father in the bowels with the crossbow and kills him.
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