As we continue in "Game of Thrones" season 3, more frequently we have encountered differences between what happened in the books of the "A Song of Fire and Ice" series and the action of the HBO "Game of Thrones" series.
Let's break into down by each episode and discover what the differences are between "A Storm of Swords" and show.
Episode 1, "Valar Dohaeris"
Most of the differences between "A Storm of Swords" and show in the first episode are simply the exclusion of scenes in the show.
Pretty much the entire Battle of the Fist of First Men is omitted from the show, and Sam Tarly does actually send out the ravens, two of them carried messages.
Other difference in the show is Jon's reasoning for wanting to join Mance Rayder's army, in the show Jon states that he is here because he wants to "fight for the side, that fights for the living" however in the "A Storm of Swords" Jon states that his reasoning for abandoning the Night's Watch is his bastard name, his lack of land, and how will never fully be a Stark of Winterfell.
In "A Storm of Swords" Robb and Catelyn Stark never visited Harrenhal, the burned castle was already ruled by Roose Bolton.
Also in "A Storm of Swords" Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish does not dare to approach Sansa Stark directly and discuss her escape, he uses an intermediary to do his bidding.
As for differences that regard the Free Cities, I think these changes from "A Storm of Swords" to the show may prove the most significant. Ser Barristan Selmy does not reveal himself to Daenerys Targaryen until much later in "A Storm of Swords," Ser Barristan meets Dany as an elder man named " Artsan Whitebeard" on the docks of Qarth as she is about to leave for Astapor. Ser Barrsiatn is traveling with "Strong Belwas" who is yet to be introduced in the show and says that he is the service of Illyrio Mopatis. He carries no long sword and wears no armor; instead he grows his white hair and beard long and wears the rough spun clothes of a beggar. Ser Barristan Selmy's real identity is revealed when he rescues her from an assassination attempt within her own people. He uses his staff to kill the Titan's Bastard, after Dany demands he is knighted and then finally Ser Jorah recognizes the valiant knight as Ser Barristan Selmy.
Episode 2, "Dark Wings, Dark Words"
In "A Storm of Swords" Catelyn remained at her father's bedside while he was slowly dying.
Theon and the event surrounding his imprisonment do not appear until book 4, "A Dance With Dragons."
Episode 3, "Walk of Punishment"
Melisandre leaving Dragonstone speeds up the storyline of Stannis a lot. In the books, his brother King Robert does have one acknowledged bastard son, Edric Storm, who was raised at Storm's End and is a close companion of Stannis' daughter. After Stannis' defeat at the Battle of the Blackwater, Melisandre urges that she must make a blood sacrifice by burning Edric alive as an offering to the Lord of Light, R'hollr. However, Edric Storm is not introduced in the TV series, so we are assuming that Melisandre is off to the river lands in search of Gendry.
Episode 4, "And Now his Watch is Ended"
Varys never captures the sorcerer who made him a eunuch in the books. Also, Varys takes no particular interest in Sansa in the novels and the plot to have her marry a Tyrell is Lady Olenna's alone. The Tyrell's wish to marry Sansa to Willas Tyrell, the eldest son and heir of Highgarden. In the show, Maergery pokes at the idea of Sansa marrying Loras, however, in the book Loras is already a member of the Kingsguard and cannot marry or inherit lands.
In the book before Lord Mormont dies in Craster's Keep, he tells Sam to go to the Wall and to tell them, "All. The Fist. The wildlings. Dragonglass. This. All. Tell my son. Jorah. Tell him, take the black. My wish. Dying wish. Tell Jorah. Forgive him. My son. Please. Go".
Sam does not immediately abandon the chaos but cradles Lord Mormont as he is dying, finally 2 of Craster's old wives command him to rescue Gilly and her child, and the two of them escape on horseback.
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