Peter Dinklage
Peter Dinklage plays Tryion Lannister on HBO's "Game of Thrones." Creative Commons

The hilarious "Drunk Uncle" bit on SNL was the funniest skit yet this week with the addition of his brother-in-law, "Peter Drunklage."

"Game of Thrones" star Peter Dinklage graced SNL's "Weekend Update" and was a serious crack up, touching upon tax season, immigration and regret.

Drunk Uncle and Peter Drunklage began a spiel of racist remarks including Drunk Uncle discussing his paycheck going to Native Americans' health care and "Chief pays-no-bills."

However the prejudice remarks didn't stop there, because Peter Drunklage continued where Drunk Uncle left off.

After a quick game of Marco-Rubio instead of the classic childhood game Marco-Polo, Drunklage declared what the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) should really stand for.

"I wish the IRS stood for Immigration Return Services," said Dinklage's character during the skit.

Check out Peter Dinklage as Peter Drunklage on SNL below:

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