Despite pulling the highly entertaining game from the App Store, 'Flappy Bird' creator Dong Nguyen said recently that he’s considering bringing the game back to market. The 28-year-old – who was living with his parents in Hanoi, Vietnam prior to the success of the game – was earning over $50,000 per day once the App became a mainstream commodity, unprecedented financial numbers according to multiple sources. Nguyen’s influx of cash came in so quickly that his daily bank account totals grew faster than those of Facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg. Despite initial struggles in a competitive online gaming market, Nguyen made the app available for free and enjoyed the benefits of his generosity.
Even with an increased financial status and rising fame, Nguyen elected to remove the game from the App Store due to unwanted attention at his home and constant press coverage, two things he was not at all used to. In a recent interview with Rolling Stone, the now-popular game creator said he’s thinking about releasing the game back to the App Store once again, but if he does elect to put himself and the game back out there, the new version will be accompanied by a necessary warning since the previous version became such an addictive activity for many.
“I’m considering it,” he said. “Flappy Bird was designed to play in a few minutes when you are relaxed. But it happened to become an addictive product. If it comes back again there needs to be the warning ‘Please take a break.’” The game became so popular that it cause many folks to play non-stop as they tried to beat previous high scores. In many cases – as pointed out by – the game began to affect various students negatively due to their focusing on the product and not important school work.
While Dong Nguyen has given thought to a re-launch, there is no timetable for the potential return of 'Flappy Bird.'
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