West New York
The city of West New York, N.J., as seen from Manhattan. Creative Commons

After a New Jersey newspaper announced the sister of the suspects in the Boston marathon terrorist attacks, Tamerlan Tsarnaev and Dzhokar Tsarnaev, was found to be living in northern New Jersey, the FBI allegedly sought to meet the woman.

Authorities have not yet released the name of the woman, but Michael Indri, police director in her town, told the AP she is "very upset" with the events on Monday, when her brothers allegedly set off explosions at the Boston Marathon.

"They were great people," she told the Newark Star-Ledger, "I don't know what's gotten into them." Just before noon, the FBI arrived at a three-story building in West New York, N.J. to talk to the woman, ostensibly about her brothers. The city is located just north of the Lincoln Tunnel, which carries Interstate 495 into New York City's Midtown.

Mayor Felix Roque, D-West New York, said law enforcement now has a "command center" inside the Hudson County home.

Indri said the woman was reportedly not involved in her brothers' alleged bombings, and that she is "cooperating with authorities [who] are trying to gathe as much information as possible."

"No, I'm not OK," the woman said, "I'm hurt for everyone who has been hurt." She echoed her uncle's words from earlier in the day. A visibly upset Ruslan Tsarni of Montgomery Village, Md. spoke with reporters Friday morning, calling the boys "losers" and saying that they have tarnished the "entire Chechen ethnicity". The family is allegedly originally from Kyrgyzstan as well as the Dagestan state in Russia near Chechnya.

Striking a different tone, the boys' father, Anzor Tsarnaev was angry that his son Tamerlan had been allegedly killed by police. "[He was an] intelligent boy", Anzor told the AP, "I saw it on television, they killed [Tamerlan]," he said, speaking via telephone from his hometown of Makhachkala, Russia. The "Huffington Post" revealed an unconfirmed report that Anzor spoke to Interfax, a Russian news agency claiming "special services" in America had framed his sons. A Twitter post from ABC's Rob Nelson said Anzor Tsarnaev threatened "all hell will break loose" if remaining son Dzhokar A. Tsarnaev is killed.

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