Brian Griffin Family Guy
Image Armando Tinoco

Family Guy's Brian Griffin was arguably the most beloved character on the Fox show. Viewers are outraged at the character's death on Sunday Night's episode. A petition has been started on and it has garnered over 13,000 signiatures so far. The petition is titled: Seth MacFarlane and Fox Broadcasting Company: Bring Brian Griffin Back to Family Guy. The popularity of the petition correlates to the storm on soical media: the Facebook group R.I.P Brian Griffin has over 200,000 likes.

Brian's Griffin's death has angered so many fans - creators may listen to the petition! However, as of yet there is no word on a resuciation for the Family Guy dog. Executive producer Steve Callaghan confirmed Brian's death saying, "Well, this was an idea that got pitched in the writers room and it sort of caught fire, and we thought it could be a fun way to shake things up. As soon as this idea came up, we started talking about what the next couple episodes could be and we got very excited about the way this change will affect the family dynamics and the characters."

Brian Griffin has been replaced with a new family dog Vinnie who viewers have not taken to kindly. Brian and Stewie were by far the most popular duo on the show and without them surely the show's dynamic will never be the same. So sign the petition to bring Brian back!


Best Brian Griffin Quotes: Plus Watch Top 10 Moments From Beloved 'Family Guy' Dog

'Family Guy' Kills Off Brian; Are You Angry At FOX's Decision To Introduce New Dog Vinnie?

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