Eva Longoria
Eva Longoria, actress and founder of The Eva Longoria Foundation, arrives on stage during the Clinton Global Initiative CGI America meeting in Chicago. AP.

Eva Longoria has maintained her political position as a staunch Democrat, saying that she "wouldn't vote" for fellow Latino Senator Ted Cruz because she fundamentally disagrees with his policies. In an interivew with CNN's Piers Morgan, the former Desperate Housewives star stated "I don't vote for people because of their race, I vote for people because of the issues, and where they stand on the issues." The actress was joined by Howard Buffet and spoke passionately about improving America's wealth inequality.

Eva Longoria served as co-chair of Barack Obama'snational re-election campaign. Her political stance was again on display on CNN: the Texas native spoke defiantly to Piers Morgan arguing that her values outweighed her racial allegiance. Morgan drew comparisons to the African-American community's celebration at Barack Obama's victory, Longoria countered that the issue at stake was not about race but the values that the President stood for which aligned with many of America's most disenfranchised people.

"It depends on, like I said, where they stand," said Eva Longoria when asked whether she would vote for either Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio. "Same reason I wouldn't vote for [Sarah] Palin because she was a woman. Nor would I have been proud to go 'ya!' I don't agree with where she stands on that, so I wouldn't necessarily just be proud in that moment because it was a Hispanic."

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