Nazi Uniform
Heath Campbell and his estranged wife appeared at a custody hearing wearing Nazi uniforms. screen shot, NBC

New Jersey Dad, Heath Campbell appears in court wearing a Nazi uniform as he fights to regain custody of his youngest child. All four of the Campbell kids have Nazi inspired names.

Heath Campbell and his estranged wife are white supremacists. Their youngest son Heinrich was taken away by the state 16 hours after he was born in November 2011. Heinrich's older siblings were all taken away from their parents three years before after it was alleged the family had a history of domestic violence.

According to ABC News, in 2010 Campbell and his wife lost custody of their children Adolph Hitler Campbell, JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell and Hanszlynn Hinler Jeannie Campbell after a judge ruled that domestic violence placed the children at risk for abuse and neglect.

The three children were placed in foster homes after being taken from their parents. The two girls were allowed to stay together, but Adolph Hitler Campbell was taken to a separate home after it was alleged he was causing too much trouble. All three children have since been adopted. The court will not give their birth parents permission to see them.

Now Heath Campbell and his estranged wife are fighting to gain custody of their youngest son. The dad appeared in a New Jersey courtroom dressed as a Nazi storm trooper. Campbell wore a grey uniform, with knee-high black boots. His hair was slicked back and he sported a mustache similar to the one worn by the German dictator Adolph Hitler. The uniform was completed with a swastika band on his arm.

Outside the courthouse Heath Campbell spoke with NBC 10 saying,

"I'm going to tell the judge, I love my children. I want to be a father, let me be it. Let me prove to the world that I am a good father."

Campbell told NBC 10 that his beliefs in the Nazi ideology do not deny him the right to be a parent to his children. When the reporter asked Campbell if he believed his Nazi uniform would damage his chances of gaining custody of his son, Campbell said it depended on the judge.

"He can look within me, not on the outside." Campbell said. "How about I judge him. I mean he wears a dress."

NBC 10 said news crews were not allowed inside the courtroom. The official record is sealed and there are no confirmed reports regarding the verdict. However, when Campbell exited the court after the hearing he told NBC 10 that he would not give up and another hearing is scheduled for late June.

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