Casey Anthony during her trial
Image Reuters

Casey Anthony has settled a $100,000 lawsuit filed against her by the Texas search and rescue group EquuSearch. Accused and acquitted of the murder of her young daughter, Casey Anthony is one of the most infamous names in the U.S. Her trial captivated the nation and many people were disappointed when Anthony was found not guilty of murdering her daughter Caylee Anthony. The Texas search and rescue group arrived in Florida to help the Anthony family look for the missing two-year-old girl.

Caylee Anthony was first reported missing by her grandmother Cindy. The Anthony family had not seen the little girl for a month and was always supplied with an excuse from Casey Anthony in regards to her daughter's whereabouts. Casey Anthony was always the prime suspect in her daughter's disappearance and was questioned numerous times by police before her arrest. Anthony was caught in numerous lies about Caylee and her kidnapping before finally being arrested. Despite Casey's legal troubles she kept imploring people to help her find Caylee.

The case of the adorable missing child prompted a nationwide search for Caylee Anthony. The Texas EquuSearch group hit Anthony with $100,000 lawsuit claiming that is what they spent on the search efforts to find the child. EquuSearch is calling the search for Caylee a waste of time since Anthony's own lawyer admitted the child drowned in the family swimming pool. The search and rescue organization said in the lawsuit that Anthony knew during the time of the search that her daughter was dead.

Casey Anthony has reached a settlement with EquuSearch, the organization decided against taking Anthony to trial. Casey Anthony has filed bankruptcy in the wake of her 2011 murder trial claiming she cannot pay her $800,000 debt. The settlement states that Anthony will not object to EquuSearch being named a creditor in her bankruptcy case in the amount of $75,000. According to NBC the most valuable asset Casey Anthony has at the moment is the rights to her life story. It is unclear whether or not EquuSearch will receive any money from the settlement.

A lawyer for EquuSearch spoke with NBC saying since Casey Anthony's lie about her missing daughter forced the organization to turn other families away in the search to find Caylee. Lawyer Marc Wites told NBC "Texas EquuSearch's mission and purpose is to help families and individuals to find their missing loved ones. That's the reason they helped the Anthony family in the first place. While they were searching for Caylee, they got calls from other families for help and had to turn them away."

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